Beautiful Oops

Beautiful oops 

The paper I used was Watercolor paper

7in by 9in

The main idea that guided me to make this idea was how ducks spend most of their time in the water to look for stuff like fish. I started with making little ripples in the water by using a pencil then I decided since there was a raindrop that I would make rain. So I decided to keep the dark raindrop dark and instead create light raindrops around it.  Next, I added little splashes in the water. I decided then that the duck should not be in the water just floating, he needed something to do, so I made him looking for a new nest to live in. This was pretty hard to think of what this individual ink drop should be so I thought for a little while. 

The materials I used were pencil, paint, and colored pencils.

The three common phases I used to create this artwork was I used a pencil to create the outline of my drawing before I decided to add any colors. Next, I used paint to add the grass and water. Lastly, I used colored pencils to gently color in the tree.

Improvements going forward: If I were to improve this piece of artwork in any way I could, it would be to add more thought into it and to put my creative mind to work. The next thing that I would do to improve this piece would be to add more detail to it instead of JUST AN ISLAND with a tree and some rain. I would also like not to use as many watercolors when I clearly do not need to. I would so do all these things if I had the chance to, but there is more room for improvement in the future to my art.