Gods of Freeport (4E)

[This page adapts the Gods of Freeport page to the D&D Fourth Edition alignment system. I created this page when I was trying to decide which system to use for "Winds of Freeport," but we chose v.3.5 instead. (We later converted to Pathfinder.) --Tim]

Major Gods of Freeport

These are the four most popular deities worshiped in Freeport. Itona preaches good deeds and pacifism, while the Shatterer's violent demands often lead his followers into performing evil acts. Neither Harrimast or Nodens have a particular allegiance to good or evil.

State Religions of the Continent

Each of these religions pervades and dominates its nation of origin, but is by no means the only faith practiced and accepted there.

Other Gods in Freeport

The following additional gods are known to have followers in Freeport. (Note that Sminth has no temples or priests, per se, only followers.) Some of these gods, such as Labradian and Mithras, demand excellent moral character of their followers, but Freeport is also home to several religions less concerned with such fine ethics. None of these gods are truly evil, despite Desmenta and Sminth's more sinister aspects.

Forbidden Gods

The following gods are known to have cults that are (or have been) active in Freeport and on the Continent, but their worshipers work in secret in civilized lands. All are thoroughly and irrevocably evil, with the possible exception of the mysterious Yig.