Vestry Minutes (1914-1918)
Post date: Mar 18, 2014 6:34:32 PM
Vestry Minutes
(Kent Archives P385/8/A/7)
During WW1 the Vestry minutes deal with the approval of the Church-wardens’ accounts (which are then published in Parish Magazine) and appointment of Churchwardens and sidesmen. During later part of war, the vicar was often absent because of illness.
Annual Vestry Meeting on April 30, 1914:
Vicar in chair. Present: Messrs. Amos Baker, Henry White, Alan Lambert, William Jude, W. W. Blest, E.A. Smith, R. French, Dr S. Sander, Revs F.M. Richards and H. Crawford.
“On the proposition of Mr. Henry White, seconded by Mr. Alan Lambert, agreed ‘that the churchwardens be requested to ask the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office to send a representative to survey the Church and report upon insurance’ – the report to include the silver.
Annual Vestry Meeting on April 22, 1915.
Vicar in chair. Present: Messrs. W.W. Blest, T. Brocklebank, R. French (Ch warden), A. Lambert, Mrs G. M. Livett, Dr. Southwell Sander (Ch warden), Rev F.M. Richards, Canon Bingham Stevens.
“It was reported that owing to the war the ringing of the bells on the first Sunday in the month had been necessarily suspended for half the year, & it was agreed that payment should be made to the ringers in full.“
Annual Vestry Meeting on May 11, 1916
“Mr French reported a request from the organist that the organ should be overhauled: the Wardens were advised not to do more than undertake necessary repairs from time to time. “
Discussion of parochial quota of £23.
Annual Vestry Meeting on May 14, 1917:
“It was agreed on the proposition of Mrs Livett seconded by Mr. Smith that the salary of the Clerk, fixed 30 years ago at £14 should be raised to £20.”
“Mr. Blest proposing & Mr. Lambert seconding it was agreed that the question of renewing the “aircraft” insurance should be considered at a special meeting convened shortly before it should become due in September.”
Mr. Blest expressed an opinion that an economy might be made in the cost of printing the Parish magazine.”
Annual Vestry Meeting on April 25 1918
“It was decided to leave the question of Aircraft Insurance to be settled by the vicar & churchwardens at a later date, premium not being due till Sept. “
“The chairman drew attention to the change this year in the Parish Magazine , which is now a cover only. This had not however achieved a reduction of cost, printing have gone up & paper being four times as expensive owing to the war.”
Note: Mrs. Caroline Hole had attended Vestry Meetings of 1909, 1910, 1911.
Mrs Livett attended 1908 vestry meeting.
Miss Lambert attended Vestry meeting 1922 just before Vestry meetings replaced by Parochial Church Council.