Medway regattas (1869)
Post date: Apr 14, 2015 2:7:54 PM
South Eastern Gazette 21st June 1869
Wednesday, August 4th.
Full particulars will shortly be announced.
HENRY WHITE, hon secs
Extract from Kentish Gazette , 13 July 1869
TUNBRIDGE. Annual Regatta. —This fashionable regatta took place Wednesday last, on the river Medway, between the water works' bridge, and Barden Lodge. The weather was delightful, and large number of visitors assembled to see the races, which were won by the following:—
For Dingey's, first prize, 15s, Messrs. E. Morley, J. May and E. Gabriel (coxn.)
Ladies' Challenge Cup,now held by the Wateringbury Club. Final heat. Won the Tunbridge Boating Club.
Sculler's race, prize, silver goblet Mr E. Bowles, Tunbridge.
Town Challenge Cup. Final heat. Tunbridge beat Wateringbury by one length.
Canoe race, first prize, cup, Mr. T. Gould.
Pair-oared race, prize, pair silver goblets; coxn., silver rudder Eight entries. Won by the Wateringbury crew, composed of Messrs. R. M. Hudson, Albert Hudson, and A. Hudson (coxn.).
Swimming match, 100 yds. First prize, silver goblet, W. W. Rodger, Esq., Hadlow Castle.
KENTISH TIMES 3 August 1869
Maidstone Annual Regatta.—This regatta took place on Wednesday last, on the river Medway, between Maidstone and Allington Locks. There was a large assemblage of persons, and the pleasures of the day were much enhanced by the performances of the Royal Horse Artillery Band, which was attendance, and discoursed a good selection of music.
The following were the races the card: —
Dingee race, only one entry, no race.
Town Challenge Cup, now held by the Tunbridge Boating Club. Tunbridge Boating Club "Fred," crew, H. Cheal, F. Collins, F. Bennett, W. Flood, and F. Peckham (cox) Ist; and "Rose of Kent," (Wateringbury):crew, R. M. Hutson, A. Hutson, R. Cripps, J. Godden, and A. Hutson (cox), 2nd. The "Flower of Kent" (Maidstone boat), was disqualified in consequence of one of the gentlemen being unable to row.
Canoe race (600 yards)— First prize, goblet, presented by Mr. G. Pell; second prize, a tankard. Entries:—J. R. Price, F. C. Maggi, A. Cowles, A. Hutson, F. Collins, T. Gould, H. Johnson, and . SimMonds. The first was A. Cowles, and T. Gould, second.
Swimming match, in which the following eight were entered : —T. Swann, T. Winch, H. Gardiner, G. Crouch, W. Hickmott, E. Hickmott, J. Crouch, and T. Parker. E Hickmott, first, and W. Hickmott, second.
Scullers race. —Prize, silver goblet. Entries : —T. R. Price, A. J. Holliday, D. Bowles, W. S. Trotter, and T. Sergeant. W. S. Trotter, first, and D. Bowles, second.
Ladies' Challenge Cup-to be held two years. There were four entries, two Tunbridge crews, the A.R.C. "Flower of Kent," and the W.B.C. " Rose of Kent." The T.B.C. " Fred" crew, H. Cheal, F. Collins, F Bennett, W. Flood, and F. Peckham (cox), first, and the W.B.C. " Rose of Kent," second.
Pair-oar race—prize, pair silver goblets, coxswain gold pin, with rudder; eight entries. Wateringbury, first, Chatham, second.
Tub race. —F. Finey, first, W. Hickmott, second. Race for bargemen.— W. Holmes and T. Spicer, first; W. Clegg and H. Ticknor, second.
In the evening, about sixty sat down to an excellent dinner at the Bull Inn, presided over by Mr. Tookey, and the proceedings terminated very pleasantly.
Maidstone Telegraph 7th August 1869
The annual aquatic sports in connection with the Wateringbury Boat Club, were commenced on Tuesday last, and brought to a successful issue on Wednesday. This regatta continues to be looked forward to as affording not only a day's amusement for the inhabitants of Wateringbury but of Maidstone, Tunbridge, Chatham, and other districts. Amongst the patronesses we find the names of the Viscountess Falmouth, the Hon. Lady Stapleton, Lady Frances Fletcher, Mrs Leigh, Mrs Trotter, and Mrs Horne. The President is the Hon. Hugh le Despencer Boscawen, and the Vice-President, Robert Leigh. Esq. Amongst the stewards we find the popular names of Major-General Fletcher, Capt. Bury, the Rev. A. C. Lee, W. Trotter, W. S. Trotter, T. White, B. W. Horne, F. Leney, A. Fremlin, and W. Judge, Esqrs. The heats of the Ladies' Challenge Cup and Tankard were rowed for on Tuesday. To an unfortunate accident to Lieut. Brookes, who was thrown from his trap, and dislocating his shoulder, was attributed the defeat of the Royal Engineers. The following was the result of Tuesday heats:-
First Wateringbury Boat Club-W. Goldsmith, H. Johnson, Gabriel, T. Gould (stroke) and W. Cheal (cox.).1
First Alexandra (Maidstone) Rowing Club-A, J. Davis, T. Finey, T. R. Price, J Payne (stroke), and A Maskell (cox.) 2
The above was a capitally contested race, resulting in the defeat of the Maidstone crew by about half a boat's length. The second heat between the second crews of the Alexandra and Wateringbury, was then rowed when the latter won by about a length.
Second Wateringbury Boat Club.-H. Allwork, L. Ongley, F. Ongley, A. Allwork (stroke), and A. Hutson (cox.) 1
Second Alexandra Rowing Club ?G. J Gibson, J. Phillips, W. S. Ongley, F. C. Maggie (stroke), and F. Chesterton (cox.) 2
The other heat was between the second Tunbridge Boat Club and the Second Wateringbury, the latter the victors in the previous heat. This contest terminated in favour of the former. The crew of the 2nd Wateringbury were the same as above given. The Second Tunbridge Boat Club H. F. Bennett, E. Bowles, W. Flood (stroke), and F. Peckham (cox.) 1 The contest for the cup was thus left to the two crews of Tunbridge and the First Wateringbury. The Tunbridge Club decided upon scratching their second crew, leaving the contest to their First crew and the First crew of Wateringbury (the winner of the trophy last year).
Heats for the Pair-oar Race for Challenge Oars,
The first heat took place between the Royal Engineers' Boat Club and First Tunbridge. when the former were beaten.
First Tunbridge Boat Club.-E. Bowles and W. Flood 1
Royal Engineers' Boat Club.-Lieut. Barker and Darby 2
The second heat resulted in the Wateringbury crew defeating the second crew of Tunbridge,
Wateringbury Boat Club. -A. Hutson and R. M. Hutson 1
Second Tonbridge Boat Club—Cheal and Gould 2
The Challenge Oars were thus left for competition between Wateringbury and the First Tunbridge.
The weather opened very fine on Wednesday and continued throughout the day. As the time approached for the first race on the card, put down at 2 o'clock, visitors began to crowd the valleys and towing-path-the arrival of each train adding greatly to the numbers. The river also bore its freights of sightseers. A small steam tug from Chatham arrived about two o'clock, towing a large boat with an awning. The occupants of which enjoyed themselves at a well spread table. At a quarter-past two the appearance of the course was very pleasing to the eye, both sides of the river being crowded with visitors, the gay attire of the females, and the flaunting flags studded all over the grounds, added much to the excitement of the scene. A very commodious grand stand was erected for the accommodation of the elite of the neighbourhood, and amongst others who patronised it were Lady Frances Fletcher, and Major- General Fletcher, Major-General Ludlow, the Hon. Mary Boscawen, the Hon. Mabel Boscawen, the Hon. Evelin Boscawen, the Hon. John Boscawen, Mrs Whatman and daughters, the Rev. H. Stephens (Chatham), the Rev. H. Stephens (Wateringbury), Mrs Stephens and daughters, W. Russell, Esq, (Clerk of the Peace) and party, T. White, A. Fremlin, J. Fremlin, J. Waterman, H. White. J. W. Fry, (hon. sec.), E. Wood, Esqs. Capt. Hunt, R.H.A., Mr Alexander, R. H.A., Mr Morgan, R.H.A., and numerous others whose names we were unable to obtain.
On the opposite side of the bank was stationed the band of the West Kent Militia, who played during the day an excellent programme of music. At about half past two o'clock the gun fired for the competitors to take their positions at the starting post for the
FIRST TRIAL HEATS (MEDWAY CUP)- about half a mile.
Shortly afterwards the crews of the Second W.B.C. and the First A.R.C. rowed down the river to their posts, and as they passed the grand stand were loudly cheered. The Boats started thirty yards apart, and it fell to the lot of the Maidstone crew to be placed in the rear. A good start was effected, the W.B.C having slightly the best of it, when towards the finish the Maidstone crew put on a fine spurt, and when they arrived at the goal had nearly ran the head of their boat into the stern of their opponents. The victory of the A.R.C was loudly cheered. The crews were
First A.R.C (Maidstone). -A. J. Davis, T. Finey, T. R. Price, J. Payne (stroke) and F. Chesterton, (cox).
Second Wateringbury B.C.-H. Allwork, L. Ongley, F. Ongley, A. Allwork, (stroke) and A. Hutson (cox)
The second heat was between the First and Second crews of the Tunbridge Club, but the former rowed over the course, with the following crew: First Tunbridge B.C.—W. Goldsmith, H. Johnson. G. Gabriel, T. Gould (stroxe) and W. Cheal (cox) 1 third heat. The third heat was between the second crew of Maidstone (A.R.C.) and the Royal Engineers but the former declining the contest the following crew rowed over the course. Royal Engineers B.C. Lieut. Bagot, Lieut. Preston, Lieut. Brooks, Lieut. Brown, and Lieut. Smith (cox) fourth heat. There was no contest the First Wateringbury B.C. having to row the winners in the previous heat.
First Tunbridge B.C.-(crew as above) 1 First Wateringbury BC.-(crew) R. M. Hutson, R. Cripps, J. Hutson, J. Godden (stroke) and A. Hutson (cox) 2 The contest was keen throughout, and won ???????? SECOND HEAT. First A.R.C. (Maidstone) crew as above 1 Royal Engineers B.C.?(crew as before 2 The Engineers were the foremost boat, the Maidstone having to receive the ripple. The Royal Engineers took a decided lead, and when half the distance had been completed had increased their advantage by fully ten yards. Rounding the bend, through good steering on the part of the cox, the Maidstone crew crept up and were loudly cheered, which caused them to put on an immense spurt and they continued to gain upon their opponents. The struggle was severe at the finish, and resulted in the Maidstone crew winning by half a length. The cup was then left for competition, later in the day, between Maidstone and Tunbridge.
Three competitors entered their canoes for the above, Hutson (yellow), Turner (red), and Hakewell. The first got a good start, when the two latter cannoned at the post, upsetting Huckwell into the water. Hutson ultimately won with ease.
FINAL HEAT OF LADIES' CHALLENGE CUP AND TANKARDS.-—A Mile. The heats for the above were rowed for on Tuesday, and the contest was left between Wateringbury and Tunbridge. The admirers of both crews were pretty sanguine, but the latter were slightly favourites. A good start was effected at five o'clock, both parties kept very equal till the close, but staying longer won by about twenty yards.
This also was left for decision to-day, between the First Tunbridge and Wateringbury. The former having beaten the Engineers, and Wateringbury defeating the second crew of Tonbridge the day previous in the trial heats. The prizes were given by J. C. Mercer, Esq. and are to be held from year to year.
The crew were First Tonbridge B .C. Bowles and Flood.
Wateringbury B.C.-—A. Hutson, and R.M Hutson2
The Hutsons went away with the lead and looked liked winning till within 300 yards from home when the Tunbridge men laid themselves down to their work in right good earnest, gaining gradually upon their opponents, and winning by a short head. The result was loudly cheered.
The above was the gift of Lady Falmouth, and the coveted prize fell to W. S. Trotter, Esq. This was the most hollow race the day. Mr.Trotter who is one of the best sculls of the day, having " coached" on the Thames, and acquired some celebrity on its waters, winning as he pleased. Mr Trotter quickly left his opponent in the rear, and Hutson finding his task hopeless did not persevere. The winner came in about 200 yards before Hutson. W. S. Trotter, Esq., (blue and white) 1 R M. Hutson (blue, white horse) 2
TUB RACE FOR CUP-—100 Yards.
Only two entered the above competition, viz., T. Finey, Maidstone, and R. M Hutson, of Wateringbury. The former won with ease.
FINAL HEAT FOR THE MEDWAY CUP As the Maidstone and Tunbridgc crews rowed down the riser to the starting post they were accompanied on the bank by a large concourse to witness what was decidedly the best contested and quickest rowed race of the day; and when taken into consideration that both crews had rowed some hard struggles previously, they were certainly deserving of the cheers that greeted them. Maidstone was again unfortunate in having to receive the wash of the Tunbridge boat and they were also slow in getting away but towards the finish began to draw upon their antagonists. Within 300 yards from home both crews strained every nerve, but fortune again smiled upon Tunbridge, who won by about half a boat. Both crews were loudly and deservedly applauded. The same crew beat the A.H.C. about the same distance in a trial the day previous for the Challenge Cup.
Three crews entered for the above with the following result : " Pearl Diver." -A. Hutson and R. M. Hutson 1 " Swift."-A. Fremlin and W.M. Trotter "Flossy."-J.W. Davidson and W. Jude. This was the most highly amusing of the races, in consequence of the number of mis-haps which befell the unfortunate scullers. The boats were rowed without coxs on, and the conditions were to turn round a boat and row back to the starting post. Shortly after the start the " Swift" and " Flossy" came into collision, which gave " Pearl Diver" a decided advantage, of which they availed themselves and reached the flag post without molestation. Upon rounding the bend with the flagstaff the " Swift" was quickly upon them, and just asthe "Pearl Diver" had cleared, the "Flossy" came up, and another collision ensued, when Mr Jude's scull was knocked out of his hand, and the " Flossy's" chance put completely out. The " Swift" endeavoured to overtake the Hutsons' but the stroke of Mr Trotter was too strong for Mr Fremlin, who pulled the boat into the side several times, which caused considerable loss of time to right it. The " Pearl Diver" then went in easy winner.
The programme concluded with CONSOLATION RACE. The prize of the above consisted of five cups for competition amongst the unsuccessful crews of the day. Three crews entered, viz., the First. A.R.C. (Maidstone) the Second Tunbridge, and the First Wateringbury. The two latter crews rowed the first heat, which was won by the Tonbridge, as they were quite fresh, not having competed during the day. It was then left for the Maidstone crew to row the final heat with the 2nd Tonbridge. The race was capital one throughout and terminated in Maidstone winning by about a couple of yards. The A.R.C. were thus "consoled” with taking home to Maidstone five cups.
During the day numerous sports were entered into. A climbing of greasy pole for a leg mutton and a Dutch cheese created considerable amusement by the numerous failures attendant upon the ascendsionists. Mr Barton, of the Queen's Head, supplied refreshments upon the ground and was well patronised. The whole proceedings passed off with great satisfaction. To J. Fry and H. White (the hon. secretaries) and the Committee the greatest credit was admitted to be due for their untiring exertions in bringing the program me to so highly gratifying a conclusion. The satisfactory way in which the regatta was carried out will be example for the Maidstone Alexandra Boat Club to emulate at their next annual aquatic sports.
[in Chatham section of same newspaper]
Accident at the Wateringbury Regatta.
— The members of the Chatham Volunteer Fire Brigade proceeded to Wateringbury Regatta on Wednesday, and on arriving there one of the party, Mr C. Davey, of High-street, Chatham, draper, essayed to "paddle his own canoe" but being unacquainted with the correct method of navigating such peculiar craft the canoe speedily capsized and Mr Davey was immersed in the stream, and in his effort to extricate himself from his disagreeable position he presented rather a ludicrous appearance, the canoe turning over every time Mr Davey endeavoured to support himself by it, the performance somewhat resembling the antics cut by squirrel confined in a revolving cage. After some time had elapsed Mr J. Edwards, of Chatham, got into the water and with some difficulty rescued Mr Davey from his somewhat perilous position as he was nearly exhausted when brought on shore, but by the prompt measures adopted by his friends and companions, coupled with a judicious administration of stimulating fluids and a supply of dry clothing he was soon restored to a comfortable condition and spent the remainder of the day pleasantly.
Maidstone Telegraph 4th September 1869
The present year has been for the Tunbridge Boating Club one of unusual success, having secured the cups competed for their own regatta, at Maidstone, at Wateringbury, and on Wednesday last, at Rochester. Our crews went to the scene of the contest by road, and enjoyed a magnificent drive. The weather was fine and the attendance at the regatta was numerous and fashionable. The Mayor is the president, J. Hulkes, Esq., J.P., the vice-president, Mr T. Winch, the hon. treasurer, Mr J. Tuffil, the captain, and Mr A. B. Horsnail, hon. sec.
The competition commenced at a quarter-past two with a Sculling Race for a piece of plate presented by the Chairman of the R.V.O.C. which was confined exclusively to the members of the Medway Rowing Club, and resulted as follows: —W. W. Baker, 1st; T. Crockford, 2nd ; C. P. Winterton, 0 F. F. Sharp, 0.
Next came the four-oared race for the Medway Rowing Club Challenge Cup, for which the following crews competed : Medway Rowing Club. —T. Winch, C. J. Tuffil, J. Tuffil, C. Ruxmoore, D. F. Tuffil (cox). Royal Engineers B.C.—W. W. Darby, J. C. Barker, D. A. Johnstone, L. F. Brown, J. Gallorey (cox). Waterinqbury B.C. —H. M. Hutson, J. Hutson, R. Cripps, J. Godden, A. Hutson (cox). Tunbridge B.C. —E. Bowles, F. Bennett, F. Collins, W. Flood, W. Cheal (cox). An excellent start was effected, but Tunbridge immediately shot ahead and singled themselves out remarkably fine style, and their uniformity of rowing elicited loud cheers. They were closely followed by the Rochester, and after a magnificent race, the Tunbridge crew won by about two lengths, Rochester coming in for second position, the Royal Engineers third, and the Wateringbury, who have late got into jerky style of rowing, last.
This was followed by a four-oared race, which was also confined to the Members of the Medway Rowing Club, and what is termed a " cratch " race, the result being a3 follows : 1st—W. A. Coulter 2nd —J. T. Jones R. L. Knight W. H. Young C. P. Winterton F. T. Sharp R. Aveling F. Fletcher D. F. Tuffil (cox). E. H. Horsnaill(c) Next came the four-oared race for the Royal Engineers Y.C. Challenge Cup, for which the same crews competed for the Medway Rowing Club Challenge Cup. Again very good start was effected, and Rochester, who held the cup, won it again this time with tolerable ease, the coxswain of the Tunbridge crew making a detour towards the coast, the result of which was that Rochester men kept on a straight course. Tunbridge, however, came in for third position, the second being taken by the Royal Engineers, and Wateringbury was again last. Tunbridge we might mention, rowed in the boat which was made for them by Mr J. H. Clasper, Wandsworth and Newcastle, and he, together with F. Towner, the captain the Tunbridge crew, were present during the day.
At half-past four came a Pair-oared Race, which was also confined to Members of the Medway Rowing Club. It was a splendid race, and won by three boats lengths, the result being— 1st—F. J. Sharp, F. Fletcher, D. F. Tuffil (cox). 2nd—C. P. Winterton, B. Aveling, E. H. Horsnaill (cox). 3rd—J. T. Jones, R. L. Knight, W. L. Cail (cox).
The regatta concluded with sculling race for the Mayor's Cup, and it caused great excitement. C. J. Tuffil won it, Lieut. Buckwell, of the R.E., being second, J. Tuffil third, and E. Luxmore fourth. The prizes were then presented, and the Major complimented Mr C. J. Tuffil and the Tunbridge Boating Club on their excellent style of rowing.