Outbreak of wether theft (1597)

Post date: Jan 15, 2013 3:27:3 PM

There seems to have been an outbreak of theft of wethers from Wateringbury in Sptember 1597 with two, apparently separate, cases recorded in the Kent Archives.

Rich. Smyth of Appledore, labourer, for taking two wethers worth 12s. from Joan Boothe of Wateringbury, widow, in the highway at East Malling Heath. [Claims benefit of clergy] QM/SI/1597/17/5 9 Sept 1597

James Cleve of Wateringbury, yeoman, in £10, to appear to prosecute and give evidence against Richard Smythe of Wrotham, labourer, in gaol, charged with taking two wethers from James Cleve QM/SRc/1597/127 21 Sept 1597

A wether is a castrated sheep or goat