Medway regattas (1871)
Post date: Apr 14, 2015 2:47:9 PM
Maidstone Telegraph - Saturday 24 June 1871
ROYAL ARTILLERY AND ROYAL ENGINEERS' FOUR-OARED RACE. The third race between the members of Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers' Boat Clubs was rowed Saturday afternoon over a course two miles and a half in length, on the River Medway, starting from a couple of boats moored that distance above Rochester-bridge and finishing opposite the The third race between the members of Royal eight of the Royal Artillery was victorious over an rowed Saturday afternoon over a course two miles and a half in length, on the River Medway, starting from a couple of boats moored that distance above Rochester-bridge and finishing opposite the Castle. The race was instituted in 1869, when an eight of the Royal Artillery was victorious over an Chiswick some days later, in which tho Royal Engineers proved themselves superior to their antagonists two eights rowed at Henley for the Thames Cup, and though they did not meet in the same heat yet the result of efforts there plainly foreshadowed the issue of the race between them from Putney to Chiswick some days later, in which tho Royal Engineers proved themselves superior to their antagonists short time spent in anchoring a barge which was This year, from a variety of causes, it became respective stations the Royal Engineers having the westernmost most berth to substitute 4 oars instead. The rival oarsmen embarked about a quarter-past one o'clock, and after short time spent in anchoring a barge which was coming down the river, they paddled to their respective stations the Royal Engineers having the westernmost most berth and the Royal Artillery the easternmost berth.
The following the crews :—
Royal Engineers.
1. Lieutenant A. Heathcote 10 st 8 lb
2. Lieutenant C. Hoskyns 10 12
3. Lieutenant C. W. Sherrard 11 15
Lieutenant J. C. Barker (stroke) 11 9
Lieutenant G. F. Mann (cox.) . 8 12
1. Lieutenant J.F.G.Ross, of Bladensburg 10 8
2. Lieutenant C. Larcom 12 5
3. Lieutenant H. C. Preston 13 2
Lieutenant W. Lowthor (stroke) 11 8
Lieutenant C. Jones (cox.) 8 11
When the signal to start was given the Engineers were Doint, the coxswain of the Engineers pulled his left rowing better together than their opponents gained a lead of a quarter of a length by the time they had rowed a hundred yards, an advantage which they gradually increased so that in a quarter of a mile they were and a quarter ahead of the Artillery, but the Artillery men and at the point above the Factory on the eastern bank were nearly clear. As the two boats bad time, again lessened in a trifling degree the gap point, the coxswain of the Engineers pulled his left rudder-line a trifle too hard, and kept rather too however, by better steering in the next reach, were other hand, steered a better course, and enabled his above the church, about two miles having been rowed, the coxswain of the leading boat, thinking starting place, the Engineers, now keeping a good suddenly sheered out and crossed over towards his opponent, after which the Engineers again drew away. At the Factory, the latter rowing very pluckily, but in bad time, again lessened in a trifling degree the gap length and half ef the Engineers, but, being kept too near to the latter they had the disadvantage of their opponent's backwash to contend against, a serious drawback to crew who had had very little above the church, about two miles having been who were about a length and three-quarters astern of the leaders, steered the better course of the two, and, putting on a well-sustained spurt, were, notwithstanding opponent, after which the Engineers again drew away. At the church the Artillerymen spurted, and notwithstanding the fact they rowed in bad time and rolled excessively, they drew up to within a length and a half of the Engineers, but, being kept too near to the latter they had the disadvantage of their opponents backwash to contend against, a serious drawback to a crew who had very little practice together. Nearing the Castle the Artillery who were about a length and three quarters astern of the leader, steered the better course of the two, and, putting on a well sustained spurt, were, notwithstanding much rolling and splashing , beaten on the post by a length and 2 or 3 feet. Time 15m 50s from the start.
Maidstone Telegraph 29 July 1871.
This annual event came off Tuesday last on that portion of the river Medway which is situate between the Waterworks and the Sevonoaks Railway Bridge. That all-important matter, the weather, was propitious, with the exception two or three spiteful showers which fell at intervals during the afternoon. At the end of the course a grand stand was erected, and half-a-crown being charged for admission, this tended to keep the company within the enclosure more select. From a bend in the river very little of the races could be seen from the enclosed grounds, and we should imagine that if the grand stand had been erected in the field on the opposite side of the river a much better view would have been obtained. The Royal Austrian band, which was stationed on the opposite side of the river, played a selection of music for the enjoyment of those present.
The arrangements in general were of a praiseworthy character, those officiating being starter, Mr. James M. Streeten; judges, Mr. J. Le Fleming and T. Nottidge (in the absence of Mr. H. Clasper, whose professional engagements prevented his attendance); captain, Mr. J. Fleming; hon. sec., J. H. Gregson; stewards, Messrs S. Allnutt, C. Bailey, J. G. Crease, J.Le Fleming, W. Flood, J. Fry, E. J. Gorham, J. H. Gregson, C. Hore, E. Isaacs, W. E. Koch, A. H. Koch, F. Luscombe, A. J. Nottidge, R. Owen, W. J. Parker, J. Payne, Cleveland Smith, Jas. M. Streeten, S. Streeten, C. Towers, A. Wadmore, and C. E. Welldon.
Ladies' Challenge Cup (open to clubs on the Medway).—This race was rowed in heats. Tho first heat was between the Tunbridge Club and the crew of the Royal Engineers (Chatham). The Tunbridge, who won, were G. Gabriel; 2, W. E. Koch ; 3, S. Streetcn ; stroke, W. Flood, and coxswain, H. Barber. The Royal Engineers were 1, Chermside; 2, Hoskyns, 3, Heathcote ; stroke, Barber; coxswain, Mann. The Wateringbury club rowed over for the second heat. The crew were 1, R. Cripps; 2, F. Warde ; 3, A. Hutson ; stroke, R. M. Hutson ; and coxswain, E.Wolley. The final heat between the Tunbridge and Wateringbury crews was a capital contest, Tunbridge winning by about half a boat's length. They consequently retain the cup.
Canoo Race. For the first heat three entered, J. M. Montague, A. H. Frith, and A. Bilderbeck, and they arrived at the winning post in their respective order. For the second heat three also entered of whom A. W. Rivington came in first, J. M. Browne second, and R. Yorke third. For the final beat Montague, Frith, Rivington and Brown took up position, but in turning the post Browne and Frith capsized, and Rivington managing to get off well, won easily, Montague coming in for second honours.
Coxswain's Four-oared Race. —For this two crews entered, viz., H. Barber, R. Gorham, P. B. Pattisson, stroke A. Yorke, coxswain W. Flood. E. W. Thellusson, R. Howell, F. Parish, stroke E. Koch, and coxswain I W. E. Koch. Both crews pulled well but Flood's lot won easily.
Town Challenge Cup (open to clubs on the Medway).— Tunbridge, whoso crews were 1, G. Gabriel ; 2, W. S. Koch ; 3, S. Streeton; stroke, W. Flood ; coxswain, 11. Barber, won very easily, pulling well and fast tho whole of the distance. Their opponents from Chatham were 1, Chermside ; 2, Hoskyns; 3, Heathcote ; stroke Barker, coxswain Mann.
Waterman's Pair-oared Race.—Two boats competed. The winners were 1, H. Forster ; 2, T. Norton ; and coxwain J. Durtnall. The other crews were 1, S. Norton; 2, W. Cheal ; and coxswain T. Young. Canoe Race (open Tunbridge and clubs on the Medway).—lst, T. Norris, of Tunbridgc ; 2nd, C. A. Crompton, of the Royal Engineer's crew. Two of the competitors got a ducking.
Four Oared Race.—For the first heat the following rowed over : G. Gabriel, J, Bilderbeck, F. 0 Seaton, J. H. Gregson (stroke), P. B. Pattisson (cox)'. For the second heat there was a sharp competition tho crew of the " Wasp," who were 1, C. E. Welldon; 2 R. Yorke; 3 J. Humphrey, S. Streeton (stroke), and H. Barber (cox ) winning, beating their opponents of the “Bee” ( J. Fry, W. E. Koch (stroke) and E. C. Thellusson, cox. by about a length. The final heat was won by the crew of the " Wasp”.
Junior Four Oared Race.-This race was won by Gregson (stroke), and H. Barber (cox.). The Gregson (stroke), and H. Barber (cox.). The Bilderbeck, R. Barber, J. M. Montague, and C. E. Thellusson.
Pair Oared Challenge Race. This race was won by J. M. Streeten, S. Streeten, and H. Barber (cox). The other crew were G. Gabriel, W. Flood, and A. York (cox). Scratch Four Oars.—J. Fry, J. M. Montague, W. J. Parker, H. Cheal (stroke), and E. Hock (cox.), J. Parker, H. Cheal (stroke), and E. Kock (cox.), F. Luscombe, W. S. Koch (stroke), and R. Gorham (cox).
The proceedings closed with a closely contested canoe chase over land and water, which was won canoe chase over land and water, which was won by Mr Streeten
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 31 July 1871
The Eighth Annual Regatta will be held on Wednesday August 9th.
The races will commence at Two o'clock.
John W. Fry Hon Sec
Wateringbury, July 27th 1871.