Leney sells herd (1888)
Post date: Jul 17, 2018 3:4:26 PM
Extract from Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette- Saturday 30 June 1888
Important Sale of first class Shorthorns-
MR. JOHN THORNTON will Sell by Auction,
on Thursday next, July 5 (one o’clock),
at Orpines, close to Wateringbury Station, S.E.R.,
and four miles from Maidstone,
by order of Augustus Leney, Esq., having been cleared,
the very choice herd of SHORTHORNS,
comprising some of the very finest specimens of
the Duchess, Oxford, Waterloo, Wild Eyes, Surmise, and Knightley tribes.
The cows and heifers are mostly in calf to Duke of Belvedere, Thorndale Rose bull,
who is included in the sale,
as well as several other first class young red Bates bulls fit for service or exportation.