Two work-related deaths within days (1859)

Post date: Jan 23, 2012 5:9:22 PM

The Kentish Gazette run the following report on 4th January 1859:

WATERINGBURY. Two Singular and Fatal Accidents.

—On Monday week, a man named Chapman, the employ of Messrs. Leney, was moving some casks, when he accidentally jammed one of his little fingers. He obtained medical advice and on Tuesday part of his finger was taken off. Lockjaw, however, supervened shortly after, and he died Friday although everything was done to save his life that medical skill could effect.

—A few days since a servant girl of the name of Alchin, about twelve years of age, cut her knee with an axe. She was attended by a medical gentleman, but notwithstanding every attention was paid her, she died on Thursday.

For other work related accidents in nineteenth century see also Accident at Wateringbury Place (1853); Plumber's fatal accident (1836) and Fatal accident at Phoenix Brewery (1895)