Declaration of War (1914)
Post date: Jan 21, 2014 5:27:26 PM
Extract from Wateringbury Parish Magazine of September 1914 marked as War Number. The preceding August edition has no reference to War
On the day on which the Declaration of War against Germany1 was announced a meeting of ladies was held at the Vicarage to organize needlework for the sick and wounded. It was agreed that a subscription list should be opened and materials purchased, a meeting to be held every Wednesday in the Church Rooms for the distribution and collection of work. The Livett and Sander children volunteered to act as collectors; Mrs. Brocklebank was appointed treasurer; Mrs.Livett and Miss Fremlin, honorary secretaries; and eight ladies as cutters-out—these to form a Committee with general powers. Enquiries to be made of the Red Cross Society as to the most desirable destination of work done. Subsequently the sum of £30 0s. 2d. was collected and materials purchased costing 101/2 d. in excess of that sum, including 82 yards of flannel, 109 of calico and 327 of flannelette. (The Vicar has verified the accounts. If thought desirable the subscription list will be published later). Three Wednesday meetings were held before the commencement of hop-picking and about 140 garments were cut out and made up, including day and night shirts, pyjamas, vests, bed-jackets, sheets and pillow cases, as well as about 230 bandages of various sizes. A lady contributed five dozen 1d. gospels and others sent gifts of handkerchiefs, soap, scent, etc. The girls of the schools contributed various gifts including a number of milk-jug covers and small hospital pillows. The destination of these goods will be announced later.
In the early days of the war the Wateringbury Troop of Boy Scouts did useful work under Scout Master E. A. Smith's directions. Some of them were taken on by the police to patrol the roads, guard telegraph wires, etc. Twice the boys and girls of the schools left throughout the village notices of meetings at the Vicar's request.
A public meeting3 (promoted by the Parish Council on the request of the Chief Constable) was held in the Church Rooms, at short notice, the Vicar in the chair, for the enrolment of special constable and general purposes. Colonel Charles Warde, Hon. Henry Hannen and Sir George Wolseley were present to sign their declarations. About forty men were enrolled, but, as this was considered insufficient, a second meeting was held a few days later. In all about ninety men were enrolled, and a special committee with Mr. W. W. Blest as chairman, was appointed to deal with the list and assign to the men their duties, which consisted of patrolling the roads continually. A large Public Service Committee also was appointed to deal with any important matters that might arise, but so far it has had nothing to do. At the commencing of hopping the system of patrolling was re-organised: the Special Constables were relieved of all day-duty, and a selected number appointed to relieve the regular police of night-duty from 10.30 p.m. to 5 a.m.—an arrangement which still holds good. Between those hours every vehicle, car, or cycle is held up, and a note taken for the information of the police.
On mobilisation all Reservists and Territorials2 were immediately called up. William Brooker, time-expired, volunteered to rejoin his old regiment, and Herbert and William Crockford enlisted in the Territorials. The Territorials went first to Maidstone, then to Sittingbourne, and are now at Sandwich. The Vicar has endeavoured to make the following list as complete and correct as possible—he would glad to be notified of errors. It is impossible to indicate where the soldiers are serving. Most of the sailors are in the High Sea Fleet on the North Sea.
Henry Cyril Royds Brocklebank, Commander, H.M.S. Drake.
James Wells, H.M.S. Commonwealth.
Thomas Wells, H.M.S. Biter.
William Hubbard, H.M.S. Naiad.
Henry Kingsnorth, H.M.S. Blanche.
Alfred Gunner, H.M.S. Natal.
Ernest Edward Smith, H.M.S. Lennox.
Reginald Alfred King, H.M.S. Speedy.
Francis Richard Thomas Henry Bonsor, H.M.S. King Edward VII.
William Thomas Weller, H.M.S. Bacchante.
Henry Hook, H.M.S. Iron Duke.
Thomas Bowles, H.M.S. Iron Duke.
Leonard, George Eversfield, Torpedo Boat 30.
George Mace, H M.S. Lancaster.
Edgar Latter, Torpedo Boat 114.
Frederick Mace, H.M.S. Inflexible.
Charles Waghorn, H.M.S. Dwarf.
Frederick Waghorn, H.M.S. Fairy.
George Hearne, H.M.S. Intrepid.
Albert Curd, H.M.S. Agamemnon.
ARMY: Regulars.
Richard Hugh Royds Brocklebank, Captain, 9th Lancers, Adjutant Derbyshire Yeomanry.
John Austin Budden, Captain, Indian Army.
Edwin Ellis, Royal Horse Artillery (India).
Robert Hook, Royal Field Artillery (India).
William Hook, Royal Field Artillery (India).
David Hook, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Jack Crayford, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Frederick Spice, Royal Veterinary Corps.
James Edward Wells, Royal West Kent Regiment.
Edward Newman, Royal West Kent Regiment.
Percy King, Grenadier Guards.
Robert Arthur Head, 6th Dragoons—Carabiniers.
Charles Jesse King, 10th Hussars (South Africa).
Thomas Waghorn4, 14th Hussars.
Arthur Crayford, 14th Hussars.
William Latter, 15th Hussars.
Walter Maytum, 15th Hussars.
William Henry Brooker, Royal Horse Artillery.
Thomas Maytum, Royal Horse Artillery (India).
Territorials (A.S.C.).
Henry Martin.
Ernest George Mace.
Andrew Bourne.
Thomas Barnden.
Jack Ladams.
Harry Lankstead.
George Watson,
George Bell.
Herbert Pearson.
Herbert Clarence Crockford.
Alfred Pearce.
Richard Cleaver.
Thomas Smith,
George Lankstead.
William Pellatt.
Wiliam John Crockford.
Recent Recruits.
Norman Latter; George Maytum; Frederick Burt; Henry Allen; Roland Clipston; T. Baker; Neville Smith; Arthur Monger; Arthur Jukes5.
On Wednesday, Sept. 9th, a public meeting, organised at the suggestion of Major Laurie by Sir Wolseley, Mr. Allen Lambert and the Vicar, to promote recruiting, was held in the Church Rooms, Mr. A. Leney in the chair, and was addressed by Colonel Warde, M.P., Mr. Hedges, M.P., and Major Laurie. It was well attended, but it failed to attract the hop-pickers, as was hoped. At the close a number of young men went into the enquiry room, and four recruits were enlisted. Others have recently enlisted in various branches of the service, some under the influence of the meeting and others independently. Their names are appended to the above list. The list may not be complete. In a later issue we hope to give further details as to the units they have joined. A copy of this "Army and Navy List" is displayed near the Church door on the bookcase (for Prayer and Hymn Books) recently given (with the books) by Mr. R. H. Fremlin.
Service, at which Intercession is offered in connection with the war, is held in the church daily at 10.00 a.m. and special intercession is incorporated in all the Sunday services. A copy of our own special War praver is appended :—
"O Almighty God and Heavenly Father, whose wisdom is infinite and whose ways are past finding out: We bow our heads and humble our hearts before the call of Thy providence to struggle, suffering and sacrifice. Give us, we pray Thee, a sense of Thy abiding presence throughout all that lies before us: Make us strong to endure to the end; brave in adversity; chivalrous in victory: Sustain our brothers under arms by land and by sea; cheer the wounded; give peace to the dying; comfort all that mourn. And grant Thy people faith to feel that by the power of Thy Holy Spirit justice and freedom may be promoted throughout the world, so that righteousness and peace may prevail, through Jesus Christ our Lord."
The rest of the magazine is taken up with the vicar's extensive and very patriotic analysis of the general war situation
1. War with Germany declared by Britain on 4th August 1914.
2. Britain only belligerent with no system of compulsory conscription. Professional army of about 247, 000 men (half dispersed across Empire, of which 78,000 in India); 145,000 reservists (ex-soldiers contractually liable to recall); 268,000 part time Territorial Force.
3. Council Meeting on Wednesday August 14th at Church Rooms at 6.50 p.m. with Messrs. Blest, Tapply, Smith, English, Jude and Baker plus Rev Livett present(see Parish Council Minutes 1914). “A circular from the chief constable was read by the chairman respecting the advisability as to the electing and swearing in of Special Constables." After discussion by the council a Parish Meeting was held & a committee formed to appoint Special Constables.
4. Thomas Waghorn was arrested in Wateringbury for desertion in December 1914 and remanded by Malling magistrates for military escort. He was killed on the western front in November 1917.
5. Arthur Jukes was killed at Battle of Loos in September 1915.