Oddfellows (1915)
Post date: May 03, 2014 11:19:21 AM
W A T E R I N G B U R Y .
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE COLLECTION. — The Flower of Kent Lodge of Oddfellows, No. 5,557 M.U., Wateringbury, made a house-to- house collection in the place of their annual church parade, which they were unable to hold this year owing to the great number of the members serving in H.M. Forces. The
result of the collection was £9 5s., the collectors being R. Hysted (£5 18s. 6d.), A. Buss (£1 17s. 5d), H. Pound (£1 9s.). Of this amount £6 2s. was sent to the West Kent General Hospital, and £3 3s. to the Kent Ophthalmic Hospital, Maidstone.
APLEJUSE CYDER, the New Drink. A 3d. packet makes two gallons. Of all grocers.
THE KING’S HEAD HOTEL, WATERINGBURY.—Motor Landaulettes for Hire. Phone 23 Grams Bennett, Wateringbury