Frances Flint and Helen Fremlin Charity (1923)
Post date: Jan 30, 2018 8:4:48 PM
The following is a transcription of the above charity's founding hand-written indenture:
This Indenture made the third day of December One thousand nine hundred and twenty three Between Frances Flint of Wateringbury in the County of Kent Widow and Helen Fremlin of Wateringbury in the said County of Kent Spinster (hereinafter called the Founders) of the one part and John Sterndale Bennett O.B.E. of Oaken Wood Wateringbury aforesaid a Major in his Majesty's Indian Army retired and Gerald Alick Southwell-Sander of Wateringbury aforesaid a Doctor of Medicine (hereinafter called the Trustees which expression includes where the context so requires the Trustees for the time being of these presents) of the other part Whereas the Founders are seised of the hereditaments hereby assured as Tenants in common in fee simple in possession free from incumbrances in equal share And whereas the Founders are desirous of providing houses for the use of a Nurse for the Parish of Wateringbury aforesaid and a child centre for the same Parish Now this Indenture witnesseth that for the purpose effectuating their said desire the Founders as Settlors hereby convey unto the Trustees and their heirs that piece or parcel situate in the Parish of Nettlestead in the said county together with two messuages and premises erected thereon and now in the respective occupation of the District Nurse and of Mrs Fowler which said premises form part of a group of four messuages belonging to the Founders and are the two messuages nearest the boundary dividing the Parishes of Nettlestead and Wateringbury To hold the same unto and to the use of the Trustees their heirs and assigns in fee simple upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same that is to say.
1.The Trustees shall permit one of said houses and premises to be used as a residence for any Nurse whose duty it shall be to attend poor sick or infirm persons resident in the Parishes of Wateringbury and Nettlestead and the other house for the purposes of a Child Centre
2. If the Trustees consider that the said houses or either of them are not required for the purposes specified above the said houses or either of them may be used for such charitable purposes connected with the Parishes of Wateringbury and Nettlestead for the benefit of the poor sick or infirm as the Trustees may approve
3. The Trustees shall not be responsible for the maintenance repair or insurance of the said premises or for the payment of any charges thereon
4. The said Gerald Alick Southwell Sander shall be a Trustee of these presents only for so long as he shall reside and practice as a medical man in Wateringbury
5. Subject as hereinafter provided the statutory power of appointing new Trustees or a new Trustee of these presents shall be vested in the said John Sterndale Bennett and Honor Fremlin Sterndale Bennett during their joint lives and in survivor during his or her life and such power shall extend to enable the appointment of an additional Trustee or additional Trustees although for the time being there shall be no vacancy in the Office of Trustee.
6. And the Founders hereby acknowledge the right of the Trustees to production and copies of the documents specified in the Schedule hereto.
7. And it is hereby declared that the transaction hereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or vlue of the property conveyed exceeds five hundred pounds.
In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
The Schedule above referred to
List of Documents
Date Description of documents Parties
12th February 1894 Conveyance 1. Simon Coulthwaite
2. Richard Henry Fremlin
6th July 1916 Conveyance 1. Alfred Charles Leney
Harry Leney
Frederich Fremlin Key
2. Frances Flint
Helen Fremlin
20th October 1916 Conveyance to sever a joint tenancy 1. Frances Flint
2. Helen Fremlin
3. Thomas Frederick Howse
[the Indenture is signed and sealed by Frances Flint, Helen Fremlin, John Sterndale Bennett and Gerald Alick Southwell-Sander; witnessed by T.F. Howse, solicitor, and his clerk H.J. Flower-Ellis. It is stamped and "Enrolled at Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature the twenty sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord 1924 (being first duly stamped) according to the tenor of the statute made for that purpose part 17."]
1. The transcription is from a copy of the Indenture held in the Wateringbury Local History Society library.
2.The property concerned is now 94 Bow Road (between Hoy Cottages and The Hollies). At times it was referred to as the Clinic. It was a substantial gift, the property last being sold in 2007 for £453,000 (source: Rightmove).
3. Helen (born 1853) and Frances (born 1851) were daughters of James and Ann Fremlin who lived at The Wardens. They were baptised together in Wateringbury Church on 23rd July 1861. They were sisters of Ralph Fremlin (who founded Fremlins Brewery and was also a significant donor to charity in Maidstone) Richard Fremlin, and 7 other siblings. They inherited the property from Richard after his death in 1916. Helen died on 16th February 1939 at the Thatched Cottage (Thatched House)-probate £17,245; Frances died 25th August 1944 at May Lodge (Brooms Down) - probate £22,403 (source: Ancestry courtesy of Joyce Manning). They are both buried in Wateringbury Cemetery (Helen- grave 1149; Frances- grave 1148).
4. In her will Helen left £250 in trust for the maintenance of this property.