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Wateringbury Local History Society
De La Hay family
Wateringbury Cemetery (1881)
About the Society
Blue Plaque scheme
Admiral Sir Henry Ruthven Moore (1886-1978)
Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928)
John Beal Jude (1807-1871)
Lady Lena Campbell Login (1820-1904)
Matthias Prime Lucas (1761- 1848)
Ralph James Fremlin (1833-1910)
William Rutter Dawes (1799-1868)
Augustus Leney (1846-1915)
Maps of Birthplaces
GDPR-Privacy Notice
Past Meetings
Accident at Wateringbury Place (1853)
Accident of Brewers Dray(1869)
Boating accident on Medway:2 dead (1871)
Child left home alone dies of burns (1881)
Dead man returns to Wateringbury (1886)
Death after horse bolts (1869).
Death by drowning (1870)
Disastrous fire at Wateringbury Hall kills four (1927)
Drowning at Bowbridge (1857)
Drowning at Wateringbury (1916)
Drowning in mill pond (1916)
Drunk hopper drowns in Medway (1880).
Fatal accident at Phoenix brewery (1895)
Fatal accident at Wateringbury station (1868)
Fingers crushed by beer barrel (1863)
Fire in parish clerk's house (1859)
General killed by train (1921)
Hay stack fire (1847)
Hopper drowned (1906)
Hopping accident (1805)
Leney cart runs over man (1854)
Medway drowning (1869)
Medway drowning (1896)
Medway drowning heroine (1927)
Motor accident fatality (1918)
Plumber's fatal accident (1836)
Quarry accident (1847)
Railway Accident (1920)
Railway mishap (1898)
Rescue in Wardens Mill pond (1913)
Speeding boy racer loses control on Red Hill: frightful injuries (1853)
Suicide in Medway (1768)
Suicide of Brewery Cooper (1897)
Surgeon attends suicide on railway line (1870)
Tutsham Mill (1860)
Two work-related deaths within days (1859)
Wateringbury Woman drowns in Medway (1853)
Ball at Wateringbury Place (1873)
Christening followed by 780 for dinner (1849)
Coronation festivities (1902)
Coronation festivities (1911)
Empire Day (1906)
Empire Day (1908)
May Day (1909)
New Year's Eve (1870)
Queen's Diamond Jubilee (1897)
Queen's Diamond Jubilee 2-the church
Queen's Diamond Jubilee 3-the school.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee 4-the cemetery lychgate
Queen's Golden Jubilee (1887)
Archbishop visits Wateringbury (1850)
Archbishop visits Wateringbury (1884)
Archdiaconal visitations (1841, 1849 and 1853)
Bread and wine (1600-1604)
Burial ground consecrated (1872)
Canon Livett the "greatest living expert on Norman architecture" (1920)
Canon Miller rejects Wateringbury (1877)
Choir Excursion (1914)
Church : watercolour (1807)
Church alterations (1883)
Church bells to welcome new resident (1909)
Church Finance (1916)
Church finances (1917)
Church missionary society (1869)
Church rooms (1900)
Church rooms 2 (1900)
Church seating (1901)
Church Vestry Meeting (1915)
Church visitation (1773)
Church: fire destroys steeple (1886)
Church: how the Church is governed
Church: new organ (1851)
Churchwardens' Accounts (1610)
Churchwardens' dinner (1870)
Clergyman found guilty of barratry (1594)
Complaint against vicar (1640)
Compton census (1676)
Dead vicar's possessions for sale (1840)
Dr John Warner's Visitation of church (1663 and 1670)
Dumb Borsholder (1893)
Funeral of vicar (1894)
Grant made to Wateringbury Church (1885)
Hatchments in Church
History of Church-1: who can sit in chancel?
History of Church -3
History of Church-2
Holy chrism (c.1080)
Holy Communion cups (1869)
Lilly Hoo (1906-1939)
List of Wateringbury vicars and curates (1540 -1835)
Marriages and bell-ringing (1862 and 1865)
Matthias Lucas letters to Church Warden (1838)
New Font cover (1915)
New organ (1893)
New vicar gets job through nepotism (1877)
Notes of Songbirds (1916)
Parish elections (1864)
Petition to House of Lords (1846)
Religious census (1851)
Rev Phillips dies (1894)
Sale of land and parsonage following Styles court case (1807)
Sermon (1870)
Stained Glass Window (1933)
Terrier of Vicarage (1695)
Terrier of Wateringbury Vicarage (1875)
The Churchyard
The Churchyard and old Church Green
The Dumb Borsholder of Chart
The Wateringbury Sundial (1797)
Thomas Willis, curate (1820s)
Tithe dispute with Roydon Hall (1630-1747)
Tithe reduction (1821)
Vicar appointed canon (1914)
Vicar fined three times (1672 -6)
Vicar in Holy Land (1911)
Vicar's Christmas charity (1843)
Vicar's farewell (1921)
Vicar's suggestions for Church (1915)
Wateringbury clergy oppose legislation (1835)
Wateringbury clergyman assaulted (1451)
Wateringbury dissenters in Old Road (1843)
Wateringbury Group Prosecuted for not Going to Church (1588)
Wateringbury Methodists (1836)
Wateringbury Obit rents (1548)
Wateringbury parsonage for sale (1807 )
Wateringbury petitions against Roman Catholics (1827)
Wateringbury recusant (1677)
Wateringbury vicar signs declaration against Pope (1534)
Will of George Charlton, vicar (1732)
Arms of Richard II
Clubs and societies
"Ethiopian Queer-Fish Minstrels" (1867)
Amicable Benefit Society (1860)
Amicable Benefit Society (1864)
Amicable Benefit Society (1865)
Amicable Benefit Society (1871)
Amicable Benefits Society (1867)
Birth of a new Wateringbury amateur dramatic club (1902)
Boy Scouts (1911)
Boy Scouts new HQ (1919)
Boy scouts rally (1910)
Boys Brigade (1891)
Boys Brigade (1892)
Boys Brigade (1893)
Boys brigade: 'A well grown set of lads of the right sort' (1895)
Choral society (1911)
Choral Society (1915)
Conservative Association (1897)
Cottage Gardeners' Society show (1918)
Cricket on ice (1855)
Cycling Club (1896/7)
Cyclists' Club Ball (1909)
Dahlia Show (1836)
Dance at Institute (1893)
Flower show (1884)
Flower show at Wateringbury Place (1893)
Football (1868)
Football club (1905)
Football club's first season (1899)
Football played at Wateringbury (1869)
Football2 (1869)
Girls Friendly Society (1911)
Hunting (1877)
Insitute for working classes (1868)
K.R.V (1863 and 1864)
Meeting at Duke's Head founds Liberal party branch (1885)
Mid Kent stag hounds (1883)
Mother's Union (1911)
Odd Fellows (1871)
Odd Fellows established (1867)
Odd fellows Fete (1893)
Odd Fellows visits (1868)
Oddfellows (1895)
Oddfellows (1915)
Oddfellows charity collection (1916)
Penny readings (1865, 1868 and 1869)
Pigeon shooting (1881)
Rabbit Coursing (1909)
Rifle Club competition (1901)
Rifle club founded in Wateringbury (1901)
Rifle Club's AGM (1903)
Scouts camp at Margate (1914)
Scouts in Wateringbury Place (1918)
Scouts Whist Drive (1919)
Scouts' patrol leaders conference (1917)
Scouts' St. George's Day parade (1918)
Sports shooting (1882)
Trotting match (1867)
Wateringbury Drum and Fife Band's Tatoo (1907)
Wateringbury has "prettiest maidens Kent can boast of"(1836)
Wateringbury Horticultural Society (1883)
Wateringbury Horticultural Society (1894)
Wateringbury Library (1910)
Wateringbury Library (1915)
Wateringbury Wanderers (1899)
West Malling drum and Fife band (1862)
Working Men's Club (1887): elite of Wateringbury present
Young Men's Guild (1911)
Busy cricket season (1896)
Cricket vs Mote Park (1863)
Cricket (1850): vs Yalding
Cricket (1853)
Cricket (1855)
Cricket (1859)
Cricket (1863)
Cricket (1867)
Cricket (1869)
Cricket (1870)-Wateringbury Place Cricket Club
Cricket (1871)
Cricket (1883)
Cricket (1884)
Cricket (1909)
Cricket (1910)
Cricket at Wateringbury (1852)
Cricket Club (1910)
Cricket club ceases (1898)
Cricket club started (1905)
Cricket for all classes (1905)
Cricket on ice (1855)
Cricket vs Aylesford (1864)
Cricket vs Hollingbourne (1851)
Cricket vs Yalding (1859)
Cricket vs. Penenden Heath (1851)
Cricket: 'bricks against beer' (1848)
Cricket: AGM (1896)
Cricket: AGM approves purchase of pavilion (1897)
Cricket: vs Penshurst (1851)
Cricket: Wateringbury vs Staplehurst (1852)
Frederick Barcham Leney (1876-1921)
Herbert Leney (1850-1915)
John Hubble (1881-1965)
Lionel Algernon White (1850-1917)
15 years transportation (1843)
Abuse of elderly person (1859)
Accused of theft of a hammer (1867)
Affray at Duke's Head (1859)
Alleged Assault in Mill Lane (1912)
Apple theft (1824)
Army deserter (1804)
Assault (1870)
Assault (1916)
Assault on police (1865)
Attempted suicide (1870)
Attempted suicide (1916)
Beer (1/2 pint) theft (1868)
Boorman murdered in U. S. (1865)
Brawl at King's Head ends in manslaughter (1844)
Bribery at Wateringbury fete is national issue (1892)
Burglary at Cannon Heath (1846)
Burglary at King's Head (1858)
Burglary at Orpines (1850)
Burglary at Wateringbury Place (1856)
Cabbage theft (1872)
Child maintenance (1867)
Clothes theft by tramp (1870)
Clothing theft (1653)
Cob-nut theft (1868)
Cobnut theft (1872)
Cony poaching (1870)
Dangerous driving (1914)
Daring robbery (1848)
Deficient weight in grocer (1870)
Drunk and Disorderly(1862)
Drunk and indignant (1869)
Drunkeness (1916)
Drunkeness and indecency (1866)
Embezzlement at Jude the brewers (1859)
Fight at King's Head leads to stabbing (1863)
Forgery at Wateringbury Post Office (1873)
Fraud by Wateringbury butcher (1852)
Hopper hits constable (1897)
Horse stolen (1791 )
Horse thief (1681)
Horse thief executed (1828)
Impudent theft from Maidstone prison (1868)
Infanticide (1688)
Jude the brewer defrauded twice (1859)
Jury service (1653) (1669)
Kent assizes (1838)
Lead theft (1850)
Leney employee of 15 years charged with theft (1869).
Lucas forgery (1878)
Manslaughter (1844)
Mereworth Gang Kills in Wateringbury (1633)
Milk theft (1870)
Outbreak of wether theft (1597)
Pillar of society a thief (1862)
Poachers kill gamekeeper at Roydon Hall (1862)
Police-constable stabbed (1863)
Potato theft (1869)
Quarter Session (1609)
Rabbit theft (1845)
Sedition in Wateringbury (1793)
Servant steals cheques from Jude (1879)
Sheep bell theft (1869)
Shenanigans in Pelicans (1598)
Stabbing (1884)
Stealing cobnuts (1869)
Stone throwing (1871)
Sunday morning drinking (1870)
Suspected arson at Pelican Farm (1895)
Swede turnip thefts (1869)
Swing riots (1830)
Tame rabbit theft (1868)
The Village Lockup
The Wateringbury Witch (1585)
Theft by servant at Wateringbury Place (1868)
Theft disputed (1872)
Theft from cottage (1827)
Theft from J.B.Jude (1867)
Theft of Boots (1914)
Thefts (1850)
Turkey theft (1871)
Unnatural crime (1794)
Village stocks (2013)
Walnut theft (1870)
Warlike Riot in Wateringbury (1596)
Wateringbury burglar resists arrest in Brentwood (1872)
Wateringbury churchwarden in prison (1761)
Wateringbury Constable Indicted for Negligence (1584)
Wateringbury doctor testifies in Mereworth murder case (1873)
Wateringbury horse thief to hang (1681)
Wateringbury man murdered in Australia (1854)
Wateringbury man sentenced to death for theft (1570)
Wateringbury nursery-maid found dead (1841)
Wateringbury place housekeeper charged with theft (1868)
Wateringbury Riot (1583)
Wateringbury Sheep Rustlers Confess (1584)
Wateringbury Stationmaster assaults passenger(1893)
Wateringbury villain (1822)
Wheat theft (1600)
Women Burglars of Wateringbury (1599/1600)
Apples auctioned (1869)
Bedded Fruit Trees auction (1927)
Brickmakers for sale (1919)
Cannon Heath enclosed (1896)
Cattle disease (1873)
Cattle fair (1804)
Cattle show (1865)
Chart and Westbury manors for sale (1832)
Cherry auction (1892)
Cherry crop (1915)
Cherry crop (1917)
Cherry picking (1916)
Cherrypickers tea (1865)
Cobnuts (1885)
Crop sales (1918)
Export of sheep to India and China (1822)
Farm equipment for sale (1916)
Farm for sale (1796)
Farm labourer's letter to Newspaper (1867)
Farmer insolvent (1832)
Farming (1850)
Fruit crops (1870)
Fruit for sale (1870)
Fruit growers' deputation sees P.M.(1839)
Fruit prospects (1861)
Game certificates (1787)
Grant of Free Warren for Westbury and Chart (1617)
Hard fruit auction (1914)
Herts and Essex farmers visit Orpines (1872)
Home farm (1906)
House of commons enquiry into fruit trade: evidence of George Langridge (1839)
House of Commons enquiry into fruit trade: Matthias Lucas' evidence (1839)
Kent Agricultural Labourers' Protection Association (1866, 1867 and 1868)
Land for sale (1812)
Leney buys bull (1872)
Leney exports bulls to New Zealand (1874)
Leney sells Bull for 2,000 guineas (1875).
Leney sells herd (1888)
Leney Shorthorns (1887)
Leney's cherry trees (1881)
Leney's farm (1870)
Long service recognised (1865)
Manor Farm (Westbury) listing (1985)
Manor farm advert (1898)
Manor Farm agricultural horses (1923)
Manor Farm sale (1884)
Manor Farm Sale-1906
Manor farm to let (1884)
Manor farm to let (1891)
Mill Farm (1945)
Ploughing Match (1858)
Roydon Hall for sale (1835)
Roydon Hall wood sale (1904)
Sale of Shorthorns (1874)
Seed advert (1856)
Seed potatoes (1866)
Sheep farming (1865)
Shorthorn auction (1896)
Shorthorn sale (1875)
Shorthorn sale (1888)
Shorthorn sales (1884)
Smithfield prize for Leney (1866)
Soft fruit sale (1918)
Soft Fruit sale (1919)
Stock fair (1804)
Stock sales (1869)
Surplus Stock sale (1869)
Traction engine in Wateringbury (1858)
Transport costs to London (1904)
Underwood sale (1916)
Unpaid debt (1869)
Wateringbury pig (1825)
Wateringbury Tithe Survey (1839)
Wateringbury to become household word for shorthorn breeders (1868)
Westbury (Westburies) manor lease (1623)
Westbury Manor Farm sale (1884)
William Cobbett in Wateringbury (1823)
Arson threat by hopper (1868)
Brewer's Hall (1867)
Brewer's Hall Farm (1858)
Brewer's Hall Farm (1870)
Brewer's Hall Farm (1913)
Bull Farm fire (1934)
Clarence Henry Warren (1895-1966)
Creosoting hop poles (1864)
Distribution of hoppers (1914)
Fremlin's hop book (1872)
Hop bine and pole theft (1863)
Hop Merchant bankrupt (1870)
Hop picker arrested (1916)
Hopper house fire (1865)
Hopping (1787)
Hopping (1817): number of people employed by Mr. Ellis
Hopping (1824): alarming disturbance.
Hopping (1825): acreage under hops
Hopping (1837):estimate of duty
Hopping (1840): going from bad to worse
Hopping (1841): 'come quick and will go quick'
Hopping (1842)
Hopping (1843)
Hopping (1843)
Hopping (1844)
Hopping (1845)
Hopping (1846)
Hopping (1847)
Hopping (1848):annual Irish invasion
Hopping (1850): annual hop dinner; AGM of Hop Planters Company
Hopping (1851)
Hopping (1852)
Hopping (1855): fire kills baby.
Hopping (1857): opposition to acreage duty.
Hopping (1863): Wateringbury hops arrive in Melbourne, Australia
Hopping (1878): missionaries to hoppers
Hopping (1883):"Hopper's rest"
Hopping (1888): bad, so quiet, season
Hopping (1889): exhibitions of Dissolving Views.
Hopping (1890): glorious weather
Hopping (1891); several sad events.
Hopping (1894): 3 deaths; strikers in streets.
Hopping (1895): immigrant pickers
Hopping (1897):Sunday excursionists cause trouble
Hopping (1899): more than a ton of hops an acre
Hopping (1900):short, fair and quiet; 3,300 immigrants.
Hopping (1901): Church Rooms opened to hoppers
Hopping (1902):great storm
Hopping (1903): garden stalls help change in behaviour
Hopping (1904):early short picking; high prices
Hopping (1905):departure hideous with drunkeness
Hopping (1906) ' the most orderly on record'
Hopping (1907):3,350 strangers; many coming by road
Hopping (1908):Daily Express fund a huge mistake
Hopping (1909): 'good year for growers..bad one for pickers'
Hopping (1910):3,970 strangers; 233 acres
Hopping (1911): perfect weather; less sickness.
Hopping (1912):very good year for pickers and growers.
Hopping (1913): half an average crop.
Hopping (1914): 72 acres grubbed
Hopping (1914): abnormally prolific.
Hopping (1914): farmers union.
Hopping (1915):difficulty getting nurses
Hopping (1916):fewer men; delinquent kids.
Hopping (1917)
Hopping (1919)
Hopping 2 (1899)
Hopping at Brewers Hall farm (1958)
Hopping violence (1860)
Hopping- related temporary jobs (1872)
Hopping-James Ellis of Westbury Manor(1847)
Hopping: Sunday excursions (1914)
James Ellis' evidence to Commissioners of Excise (1835)
Oast fire (1759)
Oast fire (1822)
Penny Bank for Hoppers (1878)
Police raid on Hermitage Farm (1916)
Post-hopping Mission Conference (1914)
Report to Houses of Parliament (1869)
Roads unsafe (1900)
Tithes on hops (1717)
Unpaid wages (1868)
Hopping Dinner (157)
Wateringbury Cemetery
Broomscroft contents for sale (1856 )
Broomscroft for sale (1835)
Broomscroft to let (1830)
Clermont House (1876)
Fernleigh for sale (1917)
Gransden (1876)
House to rent (1873)
Latter's Building (1869)
Latter's Buildings bought (1870)
Lime Tree House (1876)
Mill Cottage, 33 Mill Lane
Old Road Cottages (1876)
Orpines (1876)
Orpines (1919)
Robert Brattle's estates for sale (1821)
Roydon Hall Estate (1890)
Roydon Hall for sale (1835)
Sale of Red House contents (1918)
Station House (1876)
Swiss Cottage (Thatched House) (1876)
Swiss Cottage (Thatched House) (1945)
Swiss Cottage (Thatched House) becomes hospital (1903)
The Beck (1876)
The Limes (1876)
The Lodge (1919)
The Red House (1876)
The Thatched House (1968/9)
Wardens Wall Paintings
Wateringbury Estate for sale (1876)
Wateringbury Place (1851)
Wateringbury Place and Estate for sale (1876)
Wateringbury Place auction (1853)
Wateringbury Place contents sale (1876)
Wateringbury Place for sale (1821)
Wateringbury Place to let (1805)
Wateringbury-mill for sale (1864)
Winwick (1876)
Canon Court: parliamentary survey of entire estate (1649)
Chart Manor court (1591)
Chart Manor Court (1594)
Chart Manor Court (1601)
Chart Manor Court (1608)
Chart Manor Court (1608)
Chart Manor Court (1614)
Wateringbury Manor Court (1850)
Westburies Manor Court (1601)
Westburies Manor Court (1602)
Westburies Manor Court (1614)
Westbury Manor Court (1715)
Westburyes Manor Court (1591)
Westburyes Manor Court (1594)
Medieval Wateringbury
Acquittance by Maud de Say (1357?
Batholomew de Wateringbury (mid-13th century)
Conveyance (1517)
Cressynghams (1461)
Domesday Wateringbury (1086)
Feet of Fines (1509-1547)
Holders of knights fees (1346)
Immigration to Wateringbury (1330-1550)
Judicial inquisition (1316)
Kent Feet of fines (1257 to 1263)
Kent Hundred Rolls: gallows in Wateringbury (1274/5)
Kent Lay Subsidy (1334/5)
King visits Wateringbury (1299)
Land transaction (1299-1300)
Land transaction (c.1331)
Millstones stolen and Prior's dog killed (1258)
Robert de Wateringbury (1287)
Sir Henry Leybourne's gang includes Wateringbury vicar (1317)
Wateringbury market (1311)
Women own all of Wateringbury (1066)
One hundred years ago
One hundred year ago: January 1912
One hundred years ago-March 1912
One hundred years ago: February 1912
One hundred years ago: May 1912
A horse called Wateringbury (1954)
Adverts in Parish magazine (1910)
A little Wateringbury music
Allotments (1890)
Bankrupt (1779)
Boer war aid concert (1899)
Breach of promise (1850)
Census 1881
Cold War Bunker (1959 -1968)
Commercial dispute (1870)
Cottage Gardens of Wateringbury's Peasants Excel (1850)
County rate (1808)
District Nursing Association (1911)
Doctor's electrical machine (1819)
Edward Greensted's 'The ancient and present state of Nettlested' (1775)
Edward Greensted's history and anecdotes (1780)
Edward Greensted's journey to Bethersden (1772)
Edward Hasted's Survey (1778-99)
Employment of women and children (1868)
Fremlin's Tile Factory (1872)
Gas lighting in the village (1895)
Grocer's suicide (1865)
Health and sanitation (1898)
Hearth tax (1664)
Justices of the Peace meet in Wateringbury(early 18th century)
Map (1789)
Map 2 (1797)
Military training in Wateringbury (1942)
Naval Allotment (1849)
Perrin accounts/workbook (1801-1822)
Petitions to House of Commons re malt tax (1831)(1836)/and hop duty (1859)
Polling station (1888)
Population and mortality (1801-1911)
Post Office (1876)
Reward offered (1804)
Rochester Bridge (early 11th century)
Site of Special Scientific Interest (c. 8,000 B.C.)
Subscription for war relief (1793)
Tax (1578)
Telegraph at Post Office (1870)
The archaeological record.
The name "Wateringbury"
This one weird conconction saved Mrs. Spittles from an early death (1918)
Thomas Crow's sundial (1801)
Village Nurse (1893)
Village nurse for labouring and artisan classes(1908/09)
War (1900)
Wateringbury band plays in Teston(1869)
Wateringbury emigrants to Australia (19th century)
Wateringbury favoured for cross-channel swim training (1903)
Wateringbury man marries in New Zealand (1885)
Wateringbury Post Office (1903)
Wateringbury Post Office sells annuities (1865)
Wateringbury salutes its war heroes (1903)
Wateringbury smells abominably(1874)
Wateringbury water promotes long life and endorsed by Countess
Wateringbury Wet Nurse (1624)
Wateringbury's population
Wedding (1855)
Wedding (1859)
Will of Brihtric and Aelfswith (c. 964-994)
Parish Council
Cannon Lane Improvements (1914)
New civil parish council (1896)
Parish Council and allotments (1903)
Parish Council and Parish Meetings (1900)
Parish council elections (1894)
Parish Council Minutes (1894-1900)
Parish Council Minutes (1900-1905)
Parish Council Minutes (1906-1910)
Parish Council Minutes (1910-1912)
Parish Council Minutes (1913)
Parish Council Minutes (1914)
Parish Council Minutes (1915)
Parish Council Minutes (1916)
Parish Council Minutes (1917)
Parish Council Minutes (1918)
Parish Council Minutes (1919)
Parish Council Minutes (1920)
A Wateringbury angel: Fanny Caldwell (d.1912)
Admiral Moore
Admiral Robert Gambier (1791-1872)
Admiral Sir Henry Ruthven Moore and MGS (1968)
Amos Baker (d.1918)
Amos Baker's Funeral (1918)
Augustus Leney (1915)
Bletchley Park (1946)
Charles Style (1738)
Countess' daughter born (1872)
Death of Miss Paterson(1902)
Elsie Blest (1884-1961)
Famous actress ill in Wateringbury (1928)
Fay Compton, actress (1941)
Frank Blest (1887-1975)
George Burr Luck: soldier in Afghanistan (1840-1879)
George Newman (d.1911)
George Orwell in Wateringbury (1931)
Greville Livett (1948)
H.F. Whyman retires (1932)
Harry Martin's retirement (1935)
Helen Fremlin's Will (1939)
Henry M Gould (1804-1865)
Henry White dies (1917)
Horatio Davies elected Lord Mayor of London (1897)
Lady Elizabeth Style prosecuted (1640)
Lady Login and the Koh-i-Noor diamond (2012)
Lieut-Col Sir Kildare Dixon Borrowes (d.1924)
Lord North dies in Wateringbury (1860)
Lucas Rennie will (1870)
Matthias Lucas and London Bridge (1828)
Matthias Lucas and Nelson's Column (1840)
Matthias Lucas and slave trade (1814)
Matthias Lucas and Vintners' Company
Matthias Lucas not dead (1843)
Matthias Lucas' busts go to Hastings (1879)
Matthias Lucas's will (1848)
Matthias Lucas- evidence to House of Commons committee (1797)
Matthias Lucas-evidence to House of Commons (1796)
Matthias Lucas: an obituary (1848)
Mrs Cod (1664)
Obituary of Caroline Hole (d.1916)
Obituary of Elizabeth Blest (d.1916)
Obituary of General Frederick Schneider (d. 1899)
Obituary of Mrs James Fremlin (d.1899)
Obituary of Richard Henry Fremlin (d.1916)
Obituary Ralph James Fremlin (1910)
Obituary: John Edward Goodwin (d.1902)
Polo death (1919)
Red House son dies (1899)
Robert Brattle's will (1795)
Sadler (1872)
Samuel Lucas sued over failed mortgage (1874)
Sir Charles Style (d 1804)
Sir George Donaldson (d.1925)
Sir George Stewart Symes (1882-1962)
Sir Thomas Style (1671)
Sir Thomas Style (1686)
Style death (1769 ) and marriage (1794)
Thomas Archibald Starnes White (1843-1911)
Thomas Brocklebank dies (1919)
Thomas Willis obituary (d.1827)
W. Hulke dies (1866)
Waterinbury cook enceinte (1843)
Wateringbury Astronomer Wins Gold Medal (1855)
Wateringbury boy at Trafalgar(1805)
Wateringbury hero (1903)
Wateringbury man elected Rochester Bridge warden (1654)
Wateringbury man had gone whaling and to gold rush (1904)
William Jude dies (1918)
William Matthias Lancaster (1872 and 1891)
Rev. T. A.S. White: "Spiel und Sport"
Blacksmith's Apprentice (1777)
Charity for London children (1895)
Christmas charity at Wateringbury Place (1909)
Dean and chapter of Rochester gift (1700)
Default on poor rate (1869)
Doctor for Wateringbury poor (1783)
Ellis Island (1906)
Emigration (1850)
Family desertion (1774)
Frances Flint and Helen Fremlin Charity (1923)
Inquest (1836)
Leney gives coal as charity (1895)
Life in Union (1870)
Malling Poor House (1809)
National insurance (1911)
Poor collection (1586)
Poor rate assessment (1586)
Poor rate summons (1870)
Resettlement orders (18th and 19th centuries)
Sale of Workhouse (1836)
Unemployed: soup kitchen or quarries? (1908)
Wateringbury 'Bread' charities (1915)
Wateringbury born Inmates of West Malling Union Workhouse (1851)
Wateringbury born Inmates of West Malling Union Workhouse (1881)
Wateringbury born inmates of West Malling Union Workhouse (1911)
Wateringbury in debt (1838)
Wateringbury pays its own to go West (1832)
Wateringbury poor resettled in Ditton (1815)
Wateringbury shoemaker begs in London (1846)
Pubs & Breweries
Ad for Cooper (1866)
Agents of Kent Brewery (1864)
Alcohol Licenses (1913-17): beerhouses.
Alcohol licenses (1913-1917): alehouses.
Alcohol licenses (1918-27): alehouses
Alcohol licenses (1918-27): beerhouses
Apology to J.B. Jude (1859)
Brewery closes (1982)
Brewing and Hop Farming in Kent
Catherine Knell, Maltster (1785)
Coal shortage (1926)
Cooper at Brewery exempt (1918)
Duke's Head overview
Duke's Head Sunday Schoool (1890)
Entertainment at Duke's Head (1869)
Entertainment at the Duke's Head (1890)
Fire at brewery (1934)
Hanbury divorce (1892)
J.B.Jude's agent (1865)
Jobs in brewery (1918)
Jude and Leney merge (1929)
Jude Brewery (1874)
Jude Hanbury buys Ash's (1923)
Jude Hanbury dispute with Telegraph licensee (1916)
Jude Hanbury job advert (1918)
Jude Hanbury Partnership Indenture (1887)
Jude Hanbury recruiting (1916)
Jude's court win (1870)
Jude's new Canterbury distributor (1862)
Jude's new mash tun (1861)
Jude's patented cask cleaning machine (1866)
Kent Brewery advertisement (1865)
King's Head (1930-1940)
King's Head (1941-1960)
King's Head for sale (1876)
King's Head used by Teston (1853)
Leney : key performance indicators (K.P.Is )1916-1919
Leney and Co fail to do adequate due diligence (1895)
Leney beer one shilling a gallon (1882)
Leney Board Minutes (1896-1899)
Leney Board Minutes (1896-1915)
Leney Board Minutes (1900-1915)
Leney Board Minutes (1916)
Leney Board Minutes (1917)
Leney Board Minutes (1918)
Leney Board Minutes (1919)
Leney employee charged with horse cruelty (1862)
Leney family
Leney farm stock sale (1917)
Leney gets compensation for license withdrawal (1917)
Leney grain for sale (1916)
Leney hops destroyed by fire (1883)
Leney jobs (1915)
Leney sells to Frederick Leney & Sons (1896)
Leney's Financial Performance (1915-1925)
Mereworth Sing Song (1916)
North Pole Inn: transfers (1900-1914)
Opening hours (1862)
Petty sessions cases (1869)
Phoenix brewery publicly floats (1896)
Queen's Head License refused (1859)
Queen's Head spirit license refused (1868 and 1869)
Suicide at King's Head (1869)
The Good Intent (1911)
The Harrow (1876)
Unpaid beer bills (1871)
Water pipes for brewery/Bromscroft (1870)
Wateringbury Gas Company Limited (1928)
Wateringbury petitions against Licensing Bill (1871).
Wheatsheaf license renewal (1917)
William Jude's fortune (1919)
Phoenix Brewery employee list (1943)
Barbara Ryan's memories
Charles Rolfe's Memories of Wateringbury school (1938-1944)
John Smith's Reminisces
June Pickett's memoirs
RAF West Malling: memories of Philip Field
The Memoirs of the Wateringbury Linesman
The Wateringbury forge (c 1910)
1872 canoe race cup found in Australia (1940)
Boating Club (1890)
First recorded rowing contest on Medway (1844)
Grand Duke Michael on Medway (1897)
International Regatta (1877)
Maidstone non-regatta (1863)
Maidstone regatta (1862)
Maidstone Rowing (1861)
Medway regattas (1864)
Medway regattas (1865)
Medway regattas (1866)
Medway regattas (1867)
Medway regattas (1868)
Medway regattas (1869)
Medway regattas (1870)
Medway regattas (1871)
Medway regattas (1873)
Regatta (1871)
Regatta at Mote Park (1880)
Rochester regatta (1872)
Tonbridge regatta (1874)
Trains to Wateringbury Regatta (1868)
Trains to Wateringbury regatta (1870)
Wateringbury Regatta (1866)
Wateringbury regatta (1870)
Wateringbury regatta (1894)
Boys School Log (1863-1874)
Boys School Log (1890-1899)
Boys School Log (1900-1909)
Boys School Log (1910-1919)
Charles Wesley at school in Wateringbury (1803-5)
Claremount House Concert (1890)
Claremount House prep school (1884)
Edgar A. Clarke-Smith (1935)
Evening lecture (1864)
Evening School (1871)
Grammar School (1789)
Nettlestead School (c.1892)
Old Boys Society (1904)
Old Boys Society (1920)
Old Boys' Society (1914)
Old Boys' Society (1935)
Private tuition (1823)
Royal Commission on Employment of Women and Children (1869)
Scarlet Fever in Wateringbury: school to close (1905)
School (1804)
School : Queen Victoria prize (1902)
School and sanitation (1899)
School and School prizes (1914)
School and Scouts (1914)
School Christmas tree (1857)
School deed (1843)
School Dinner Canteen (1918)
School dinners (1887)
School extension (1896)
School Finances (1884)
School headcount (1872)
School inspection and reorganisation (1903)
School inspectors' report (1887)
School inspectors' report (1900)
School minutes (1843): school rules established.
School minutes (1844): first master & mistress appointed
School minutes (1845-48): unfounded allegations against school mistress
School minutes (1849-1851): subversive head
School minutes (1852-54): subscribers withdraw support.
School minutes (1855-60): no crinoline or hooped petticoats
School minutes (1861-63): head's indecent conduct.
School minutes (1864-1870): HM Inspector's report results in head's dismissal
School minutes (1871-1874): head taken to asylum.
School Prize giving (1913)
School Treat (1870)
School Treat (1872)
School Treat (1896)
School visit to Tovil Zoo (1914)
Schooling in Wateringbury (1896)
Schoolmistress dies (1878)
Schools closed for measles (1887)
Schools Inspectors Report (1908)
Schools inspectors' report (1896)
Schools' inspectors report (1898)
Wateringbury Boys School Quarterly magazine (1906/7)
Wateringbury Girls School Log (1914-19 )
Wateringbury Infants School Log (1872)
Wateringbury peitions re Elementary Education Act (1873)
Aero club balloon lands at Wateringbury (1901)
Beer stolen from station by railway employee (1868)
Boating problems on Medway (1913)
Bow Bridge (1836)
Bow Bridge (1868)
Bow Bridge (1870)
Bow Bridge (1871)
Bow Bridge (1915)
Bow Bridge Loan (1914)
Bow Bridge loan obtained (1914)
Bow Bridge Official Enquiry (1914)
Bow Bridge Past Effectual Repair (1911)
Bow Bridge, Wateringbury and the early development of reinforced concrete (1915)
Bow Bridge: Map of Upper Medway (1739)
Coach to London (1839)
Crystal Palace Excursion (1870)
Day trip to France (1863)
Evaded train fare? (1866)
Excursion to Boulogne (1870)
Excursion to Wye Races (1871)
Highway repairs and Lilly Hoo (1657, 1674 and 1675)
London excursion (1859)
Medway closed (1911-1914)
Medway Navigation (1836)
Medway Navigation Company's work at Wateringbury (1741-48)
Medway use (1803)
New Bridge across Medway (1912)
Passenger rail traffic to/from Wateringbury (1846)
Pollution report on River Medway (1913)
Proposed new railway (1872)
Railway Act of Parliament (1843)
Railway comes to Wateringbury (1844)
Railway fares (1846)
Railway Goods shed (1850?)
Railway Station
Railway: snow causes 3 hours of delay (1847)
Rochester Bridge opening (1856)
Russian national anthem marks opening of Bow bridge (1915)
Seaside excursions (1866)
Sevenoaks to Wateringbury rail line (1873)
Styles oppose making Medway navigable (1627)
The History of Bow Bridge, Wateringbury
The railway in Wateringbury: overview
Toll gate (1869)
Traffic offences (1863 and 1866)
Train times (1859)
Trains to Wateringbury regatta (1868)
Turnpike (1765)
Turnpike finances (1765-1801)
Wateringbury Bridge (1702)
Wateringbury Railway Station (1844?)
Wateringbury Signal Box (1893)
Wateringbury toll gate (1804)
Another great storm (1902)
Flooding (1841)
Flooding (1894)
Global warming identified by Wateringbury Vicar (1895)
Violent storm stampedes circus elephants (1861)
Wateringbury flood (1968)
Wateringbury hurricane (1763)
Whirlwind (1885)
World War 1 sailors
Albert Curd (1888-?1981)
Alfred Gunner (1897-1915)
Arthur Hodge (1880-1917)
Bert Charles Potter (1876- 1914)
Earle Curd (1892-19??)
Francis Bonser (1881-1952)
Francis Bowles (1876-1943)
Frederick Mace (1890-19xx)
George Hearn (1886-1915)
George Mace (1892-19xx)
Henry Brocklebank (1874-1957)
Henry Hook (1882-19??)
Henry Moore wins DSO (1916)
John Bowles (1896-1943)
Leonard Eversfield (1890-1982)
Richard Heath (1875-1915)
Thomas Bowles (1883-1916)
Thomas Wells (1891-19??)
William Weller (1878-19??)
World War I
Amos Baker advert (1916)
Amos exempted for 3 months (1918)
And more letters from Front (1915)
Animal cruelty (1918)
Appeals and Divorce (1918)
Army Service Corps (1914)
Bankruptcy (1914)
Baptisms (1914-1921)
Belgian refugees (1914)
Bertram Leney dies (1918)
Burial Book (1916-20)
Call-up (1918)
Car for sale (1916)
Choral Society (1914)
Church cleaning, Fete, and dinner canteen (1917)
Concert, PoWs, Scouts, Volunteer regiment (1917)
Conscription appeal (1916)
Cottage Gardeners Society (1914)
DCM awarded to Mires (1916)
Declaration of War (1914)
Demobilisation of army (1917)
Diptheria case (1914)
Driver Shotter's letter from front (1914)
Drunken assault (1914)
Fatal accident at Cannon Farm (1918)
Female servant wanted (1918)
Flooding on Tonbridge Road (1918)
Food economy (1917)
Fundraising (1917)
J.G. Stennett's War memoirs (1914)
Jeremiah Harris' property for sale (1918)
Leney fined for excessive brewing (1917)
Letters from troops (1914)
List of land and sea forces (1917)
Malling Deanery (1917)
Marriage laws (1918)
Marriages (1914-21)
Maytum wounded in France (1918)
Medway drowning (1915)
Medway drowning (1917)
Medway towpath unsafe (1915)
Memorial shrine and Memorial cross (1921)
More about war (1916)
More letters from front (1915)
Ongoing turnover of Nurses (1916)
P.O.W.s, Last Post, War death, Savings, Scouts (1916)
P.o.Ws and War Savings (1917)
Parliamentary Voters (1915)
Parochial Accounts (1917)
Patent granted (1917)
Peace Dinner (1919)
Petty sessions (1912-14)
Petty sessions cases (1915-19)
Poison-gas bomb?(1917)
Potatoes price list (1918)
Prisoners of war (1918)
Property at crossroads for sale (1918)
Recruitment (1914)
Relf awarded Military Medal (1918)
Robert Head killed in action (1914)
Roll of Heroes and School prizes (1917)
Royal West Kent, 6th battalion (Jan-Sept 1915).
Savings, schools and scouts (1916)
School canteen and food (1917)
School Dinner Canteen- menu (1917)
School Dinner Canteen-letter to The Times (1917)
School, Education etc (1918)
Scouts Memorial Service (1919)
Scullery maid wanted (1917)
Soldier's infant son killed (1917)
Suffragists (1914)
Sugar (1917)
Telegraph (1915)
The Choir (1917)
Transport ship sank with Ernest Cronk onboard (1917)
Tribunal hearing (1917)
Updated Navy and Army List (1915)
Various War Notes (1914)
Vestry Minutes (1914-1918)
Vicar's review of War (1915)
Village Nurse (1915)
Volunteer recruitment meeting (1917)
Volunteers recruitment meeting (1917)
War aims (1918)
War corner in Church and Memorial Service (1917)
War dead (1914)
War dead (1917)
War deaths (1915)
War deaths (1918)
War Diary of Royal West Kent 6th Battalion (1915)
War Savings (1916)
War Savings Again (1917)
War update (January 1916)
War wedding (1915)
War Wedding (1918)
War Wounded (1917/1918)
Wateringbury Cottage Gardeners' Society Show (1914)
Wateringbury doctor tends war wounded (1914)
Wateringbury Gas prices reduced (1916)
Wateringbury Navy and Army List (1914)
Wateringbury nurse honoured (1918)
Wateringbury Old Boys Society A.G.M. (1919)
Wateringbury Post Office (1916)
Wateringbury Shrine (1916)
Wolseley retires (1917)
Women and agriculture (1917)
Women and the land (1917)
Women's War Work (1916)
World War 1- chronology
Wounded (1917)
Wounded in action (1918)
Wounded soldiers go boating (1915)
WW1 postcards (1914-1918)
World War I Soldiers
A. Pearce (1918)
Albert Herbert (1897-1916)
Albert Rogers (1895-1918)
Alfred Cronk (1885-1918)
Arthur Fisher Ongley (1874-1915)
Arthur Henry Mires (1892-1915)
Arthur Jessup (1881-1917)
Arthur Jukes (1891-1915)
Augustus Jarvis Pettet (1884-1915)
Benjamin Stevens (1895-1918)
Charles James Dawson (??-1916)
Charles Large (1885-1917)
Charles Winter (1891-1916)
Ernest James (1883-1918)
Ernest Jennings (1914-1919)
Ernest Sales (1886-1915)
Frank Cruttenden (1887-1918)
Fred and Frederick Newman (1879/80- ??)
Fred Martin (1897-1918)
Frederick Adams (1879-1916)
Frederick Ernest Latter (1887-1916)
Frederick Gurr (1899-1918)
Frederick Relf (1894-1915)
George Burrluck (1891-1916)
George Clements (1881-?1969)
George Costin (1878-1961)
George Datlen (1893-1916)
George Henry Pearce (1887-1916)
George Maytum
Henry Cheesman (1892-1918)
Herbert William Frank Cheeseman (1891-1916)
James Wells (1888-1917)
John Dumbrell (1897-1917)
John Jury (1894-1917)
Lewin Palmer (1893-1944)
Lewis Newman (1882-1916)
Lewis Smith (1885-1917)
Lieut. Stevens killed in action:gloom cast over Wateringbury (1915)
Percy Adams (1890-1918)
Percy Fuller (1899-1918)
Robert Buss (1895-1917)
Robert Head (1890-1914)
Robert Ralph (1893-1917)
Thomas Waghorn (1896-1917)
Thomas Weller (1894-1916)
Tom Smith (1893-1920)
Walter Maytum (1896-1918)
William Charles Head (1893-1915)
William Cowlard (1889-1916)
William Larkin (1890-1916)
William Latter (1893-?1972?)
William Pearson (1887-1917)
William Thomas Butcher(s) (1892-1916)
WWI airmen
Walter Curd (1882-?1996)
Walter Neeves (1890-1918)
Untitled page
Manor Farm (1869)
Manor Farm (1869)
Manor Farm (1869)
The Beck (1920s)
Pelican Farm (1969)
Accident at Brewery (1895)
Railway accident (1889)
Financial dispute (1876)
Parochial Work (1898)
Wateringbury Cemetery letter (1882)
Clothes theft (1881)
Claremont House (1892)
Farming Union (1877)
School Concert (1880)
New Organ (1893)
Assault on minor (1887)
Fatl accident at brewery (1878)
Infant head retires (1927)
Mrs Bingham Stevens
Huntsman Cottage
Wateringbury History snippets
Place names in Wateringbury
Wateringbury Mill (1871)
Wateringbury Local History Society
The society can be contacted by email to
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