Daring robbery (1848)
Post date: Dec 14, 2011 12:26:28 PM
West Kent Guardian - Saturday 16 September 1848 reported
'WATERINGBURY— Daring Robbery.—On Wednesday last some thief or thieves effected an entrance into the house of Mr. White, of this place, from the front room of which they succeeded in stealing a plate basket containing the following articles, viz, 6 dessert spoons, two gravy ladles, 6 tea spoons, 6 large forks, 6 small do., 1 pair of old fashioned sugar tongs, and one butter knife, (hallmarked with the crest of a Talbot dog); also 4 table spoons, 7 tea spoons, 1 large gravy spoon, and 1 toast rack, all marked L. S. and also one salt spoon not marked. No clue has yet we believe been obtained of the depredators, although it is to be hoped that the guilty parties whoever they may be will be captured ere long.'
For other burglaries in Wateringbury see Burglary at Orpines, Women burglars of Wateringbury