Westbury Manor Farm sale (1884)
Post date: Feb 26, 2018 5:21:14 PM
Extract from Kent & Sussex Courier - Friday 05 September 1884
Preliminary Notice.
List of forthcoming sales,
IMPORTANT SALE of the well-known bred FLOCK of over 600 KENT SHEEP and LAMBS, 14 fine home bred Cart Horses, Horned Stock, Pigs, Agricultural Implements, and Effects. MR. GEORGE LANGRIDGE has received instructions from Henry White, Esq., who is leaving, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the premises, WEDNESDAY, October 8th, 1884, at Eleven o’clock punctually, the whole the valuable and superior LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK and Effects, including about 200 1, 2, and 3 lamb Kent ewes, 140 ewe tegs, 120 ewe lambs, 120 wether lambs, 13 ram tegs, 10 ram lambs, powerful young cart horses, horned stock, pigs, poultry, agricultural implements, etc., etc. Further particulars will appear in future advertisements, and Catalogues be had in due course at the principal Inns in the neighbourhood, and of Mr. G. Langridge, Land Agent, Surveyor and Vainer, The Great Hall, Tunbridge Wells.
Later advert (24 September) shows that stock of Bull farm, Mereworth also for sale on 22nd October by order of executors of Thomas White also through Langridge.