Women Burglars of Wateringbury (1599/1600)
Post date: Aug 19, 2011 2:2:4 PM
Women in Wateringbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 were involved in the crimes of witchcraft (see The Wateringbury Witch) and recusancy (see Wateringbury Group prosecuted for not going to Church) but, towards the end of Elizabeth reign, three women were indicted for burglary/grand larcency at two separate assizes in short succession for two separate incidents, but both involving the same victim.
At Rochester Assizes on 5th July 1599 Anne Trice, spinster, and Agnes Williams, wife of John Wiliams of Wateringbury were indicted for burglary. On 14th June 1599 they burgled the house of William Webb at Wateringbury and stole a gown (£1), 2 hats (3s. 4d), 3 sheets (5s.), 2 shirts (2s.), 2 smocks (2s.) and 4 table napkins (1s.).
At Maidstone Assizes on 26th June 1600 Margaret Reeve of Wateringbury, spinster,was indicted for grand larceny. On 20th August 1599 she stole a gown (£1), a kersey mantle (6s.8d.), a grogum apron (2s.), a linen apron (1s.), 3 kerchiefs (3s.), a silk purse (6d.)containing 2s.6d. in money, a silver spoon (10s.), a silver whistle (2s.6d.), 6 crosscloths (6d.) and a fustian waistcoat from William Webb.
All three were found guilty and remanded on pleas of pregnancy. Unlike men, women could not 'plead clergy' to avoid the death sentence. Unfortunately, we do not know what happened to them although standard procedure should have been inspection by a so-called 'Commission of Matrons' to establish whether they were actually pregnant or not.
The careful itemisation of the value of the items stolen was necessary as theft over 12d. was a capital offence. What a 'grogum apron' is I do not know although it was twice as valuable as a linen one!
For more snippets about Wateringbury women go to The Wateringbury witch; Women own all of Wateringbury ;and Wateringbury wet nurse.
For more snippets about crime in Elizabethan Wateringbury go to Shenanigans in Pelicans; Warlike riot in Wateringbury; Wateringbury man sentenced to death; Wateringbury sheep rustlers; Prosecuted for not going to Church;and Wateringbury Constable indicted.