Eric Curtis Tea Dance 25 June 2017

Sunday 25th June 2017 saw Waggoners Square Dance Club host a Tea Dance to commemorate Eric's over 40 years of teaching new dancers at the Club and service to the Square Dancing world in general. Following Eric's decision to retire from calling, 125 adults and 3 children, including members of his family, came along to share his memories and have a fun afternoon of dancing and laughter. A good proportion of those present had been taught to dance by Eric. Simon and Trudy called mostly Mainstream but with a few Plus tips although Trudy could only manage one singing call as she was unwell. Much of the music was chosen by Eric and included some "old time" recordings from years ago.

Following a Pot Luck tea Eric and Sara were presented with token gifts of wine and an orchid from the Club together with a card signed by the members. This was followed by a toast to Eric. On the next evening at Club Eric was awarded Honorary Life Membership of Waggoners by our Vice-Chairman, Pat.

Eric telling his guests how he started dancing Eric and Sara in their crowns The Pot Luck tables

Eric and Sara receive token gifts from the Club of an orchid and some wine

Eric with all the guests

Eric with some of the many people he has taught to dance over the years

Dancing to Simon calling "Martha Ellen Jenkins"

Eric receiving Honorary Life Membership of Waggoners