Christmas Party December 2024

Monday 16th December 2024 - We held our Christmas Party with Trudy and Simon giving us a fun evening of dancing and with guest tips from Penny and David.

A raffle and various game were held to raise money for the Waggoners Charity Fund and our thanks go to the Committee members who organised them. Also our popular "Lucky Squares" for a £50 note which was won by Keith who generously donated half of his winnings. Our thanks also go to everyone who came along and to those who, although unable to attend in person, gave donations

During the evening Pat and Penny W were presented with "Thank You" baskets of flowers. Pat for her contribution to the Committee as our Vice-Chair for more than 10 years and to Penny for her outstanding work this year in our "Year of Recruitment" and for organising our 50th Birthday Celebration Meal in November. Penny will also be celebrating an "0" birthday on Boxing Day.

Janet and David H served us with warm mulled berry juice during the break together with mince pies and hot custard.

Christmas Cards sent to Waggoners