January 2022 at Waggoners

Monday 10th January 2022 - It was our first night back dancing in the New Year and, as Trudy had to be elsewhere, Simon called on his own. We were one person short of having three squares but took it in turns to sit out and watch as Simon revised some of the moves and gave us a fun evening. Barbara S and Bob F had both celebrated their birthdays in the past week and Bob donned a tiara in honour of the occasion. As Simon did not have his "Happy Birthday" record with him it will be played "later"! ("Later" is an instruction carried over from the New Year celebrations at Swanwick)

Monday 17th January 2022 - Today was the birthday of our Secretary, Janet, and, in honour of the occasion, David S made her a balloon hat and a bunch of balloon flowers, and Sue W made her a "recyclable" birthday card which, having a detachable message inside,  could be re-used for another recipient. During the evening we had mince pies and hot custard which David H heated up for us on his hotplate. Andrew shared the calling with Trudy and Simon - his first time back to Waggoners in 2022. Janet was given a choice for the last singing call of the evening by Simon and chose the Eric Clapton song, "Wonderful Tonight".

Monday 24th January 2022 - As Trudy was away visiting her mother in Dorset, we danced three squares on a cold evening to Simon. Both of our trainee callers took a turn at calling to the Club. David went first and after some sight calling he completed his tip with a rendition of "Busted". A little later Penny took to the stage and after calling some patter she gave us a first look at her singing call, "Thank you for the music". During the evening some of our members took the opportunity to practise dancing in the opposite gender position i.e. ladies as men and men as ladies.

We sang "Happy Birthday" a capella (Simon did not have his record with him) to Joyce D who was going to celebrate her birthday on the next day.

Monday 31st January 2022 - Trudy and Simon were our callers and we had a fun evening with three squares dancing. Both of our trainee callers took to the stage tonight with David sight calling some "patter" while Penny practised her singing call, "Thank you for the music". The members gave them both warm rounds of applause. During the interval we enjoyed mince pies and chocolate cake bars which, being left over from previous events, needed to be eaten up as they were nearing their "use by" dates.