September 2022
Friday 2nd - Sunday 4th September 2022
Ann, Brian, Penny, Bob W, Janet F, Bob F, Janet H and David attended a Plus weekend, called by Emma Horsfield and Robert Hurst, at
Swanwick in Derbyshire.
Monday 5th September 2022 - Trudy was not able to be with us this evening so Simon called on his own. During the evening he workshopped the move "slide thru" which caused much laughter when he had the men doing the ladies' part (turning left) and the ladies doing the men's part (turning right). It was our Treasurer, David's birthday and, so that he could have a birthday tipple, his and Janet's daughter, Wendy, was their "designated driver" and drove them to club.
Monday 12th September 2022 - We were pleased to welcome six new dancers to Waggoners. After a first half hour of teaching basic Square Dancing moves, the tips alternated between "Teaching" and "Full Mainstream" until towards the end of the evening when it was Mainstream only. Our callers were Trudy and Simon with guest tips by Penny and David.
Saturday 17th September 2022 - Barbara, David C, Ann, Brian, Bob W, Penny,
Janet H and David H went to the Memorial Dance organised by the Callers Club of Great Britain in Hemel Hempstead. As well as remembering dancers, and friends and relatives of dancers, who had passed during the Pandemic, but not necessarily due to Covid, it was an opportunity for Callers Club to present the Tommy Cavanagh award to Trudy and Simon, who were our callers for the evening. The Tommy Cavanagh award is presented by the Callers Club of Great Britain in recognition of many years of consistent, selfless and untiring dedication to the square dance activity in the United Kingdom..
Monday 19th September 2022 - Due to the Bank Holiday for the State Funeral of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Waggoners was closed tonight except for Student teaching.
Janet H, David H, Keith, Jackie, Janet F, Bob W,
Penny W, Bob F, Ann and Brian
Friday 23rd September - Sunday 25th September 2022 - Ten members of Waggoners spent the weekend at the Hogsmill Squares Bournemouth Bonanza dancing Mainstream and Plus to Granville Spencer and Ian Turvill. On Sunday morning an Open Mic session was held in which David and Penny took part. David was first up of the participants and after some patter completed his tip with "Chapel of Love". Penny was up later and after some patter completed her tip with "Wouldn't it be Loverly?" It was a great weekend and so warm that some of us swam in the hotel's outdoor pool.
Monday 26th September 2022 - We were very pleased to welcome back seven of our new Student dances and during the evening, when we all danced together to Trudy and Simon, there were three squares. Janet and David were asked to demonstrate "Star Thru", emphasising the importance of gentle hand holds, and this was practised throughout the night. We were surprised and pleased to have Allan Herbert, who has not been able to come to Waggoners for some time, attend this evening and, after renewing his annual membership, he danced one Tip with us.