July 2022

Monday 4th July 2022 - While Trudy and Simon were away on holiday in Northumberland, Penny and David were again "Flying Solo Together" for the third time at our "Stars and Stripes" themed evening in recognition of American Independence Day. Nearly everyone present dressed in either stars or stripes, a mixture of both or red, white and blue. It was great to see Gill back dancing with us and David S made a spectacular balloon hat in honour of the "Stars and Stripes" theme. 

During the day Penny had devised an opening "mixer" which eventually led us to form two squares. Penny's singing calls for the evening were: "Summer Holiday", "Walking in Memphis" and "The Night has a Thousand Eyes" which had been recommended to her by Simon. David's singing calls for the evening were "This Land is Your Land",  "The Yellow Rose of Texas" and his old favourite "I'm Busted". Both Penny and David used singing calls they had not previously performed in public.

In the interval, to keep with our American theme, we had apple pies and cream.

Simon setting up his equipment on the playground

Teaching Brian to Scoot Back

Monday 11th July 2022 - Trudy could not join us this evening as she was down in Dorset with her Mother. In view of the very hot weather, Simon suggested that we dance outside on the playground where it would be cooler than in the hall. Members were pre-warned so they arrived wearing suitable shoes for the conditions.  Unfortunately only 15 dancers turned up which would have meant dancing only 1 square with 7 sitting out, or "ghosting" one person in the second square - neither option would have been ideal. Brian S, who has previously only danced at our Hoedown but who accompanies his wife to Waggoners every week, very kindly offered to make up the numbers so that we could dance two squares. With help from other dancers in Brian's square, and some skilful adjustment to his choreography by Simon, we were all able to enjoy a whole evening's dancing in the open air. During the interval we had "leftovers" - apple pies left over from the previous week and chocolate rolls left over from the Mid-Summer Dance.

Monday 18th July 2022 - The Club was closed this evening due to the Red Weather Warning of very high temperatures issued by the Met Office.

Monday 25th July 2022 - Although we had been hoping to be able to dance on the playground this evening, the breezy conditions and slightly lower temperature made this inadvisable.  Three squares, with a few spares, danced to Trudy and Simon with both Penny and David calling guest tips. Sandy was accompanied by her daughter, Amber, who spent the evening sketching in her notebook. Sandy and Amber were  "en route" to assist Sandy's son and his family in their house move later this week.