
We have RSI included in our required workshop for online teachers.  Faculty expectations for teaching different modalities can be found at

My team has done periodic online course reviews over the years, with a modified QM review form that includes RSI.  Sharing it here:

When faculty meet the expectations, they receive a digital image for their syllabus:

Last year, we rolled out a self-enroll, self-paced, self-review workshop, "Canvas 103: Quality RTC" for faculty to review their own courses; they receive a small stipend and the digital badge when it has been successfully completed.  You can find it in Canvas Commons here:


RSI has been added to Spokane’s master contract for faculty observations of 100% online classes. It’s one of three categories that are unique in online observations. The video as a whole talks through what our process is for online course observations, but this section talks through RSI specifics.

Resources via Marc Lentini

Regular and Substantive Interaction: An Overview for Instructors of Online Courses at Everett Community College, 2017?

Regular and Substantive Interaction, OSCQR - Suny Online Course Quality Review Rubric, 2021. 

Pursuing Regulatory Compliance for Digital Instruction in Response to Covid-19: Policy Playbook, Davis, V., Dowd, C., Poulin, R., Silverman, D. (2020, September 16), Every Learner Everywhere

OSCQR – STANDARD #38, OSCQR - Suny Online Course Quality Review Rubric, 2021.

US Regulations for Online Classes. Tea for Teaching Podcast, September 22, 2021. 

Regular and Substantive Interaction in Online and Distance Learning, Teaching and Learning Resource Center, Ohio State University.

Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Online Learning, Center for Academic Innovation, Chemeketa Community College. 

Department of Education Fact Sheet, Final Rules on Distance Education and Innovation. 

U.S. Department of Education Issues Final Rules on Distance Education and Innovation, NC SARA, October 1, 2020. 

Distance Education, Federal Register, September 2, 2020.

34 CFR 600.2 Definitions

Blue Mountain Community College RSI Examples

Regular and Substantive Interaction Refresh: Reviewing & Sharing Our Best Interpretation of Current Guidance and Requirements, Lindsey Downs, WCET Frontiers, 8/26/2021