2013-14 Online Student Success


Stoo Sepp - Bellingham Tech

Stan Hortorn - Gray’s Harbour

Liz Falconer - Renton Tech

Robin Lisk  - Whatcom CC

Livia Sa - Shoreline Community College

Mary Ann Goodwin - Spokane Community Colleges

Chair and Website: Up For Grabs (Stoo stepped down in Jan 2015 due to schoolin')

List of work emails for easy copy/paste:

ssepp@btc.ctc.edu; stan.horton@ghc.edu; lfalconer@rtc.edu; rlisk@whatcom.ctc.edu; lsa@shoreline.edu; maryann.goodwin@ccs.spokane.edu


Work to provide the system colleges with recommendations and research related to increasing online student success.


Working Documents:

A Note on Student Success vs. Completion

This group took the approach of focusing on student academic success in individual online, hybrid and web-enhanced courses throughout their career. Completing degrees and certificates are a natural endpoint of our focus.


IC Workplan

Below are the IC workplan objectives that our workgroup work fits into.