

Christie Fierro: Chair

Vicki Sievert: Website Manager

Tim Fuhrman: Communication Liaison

Ekaterina Stoops

Boyoung Chae

James Umphres

Claver Hategekimana

Sukirti Ranade

Zach Welhouse

Melinda Weatherford

Jeff Iannone

Tim Trussler

Tentative Goals:

As advised by Boyoung Chae, this work group will support the goals of the SBCTC with policy/research, professional development, and outreach. We see our work as building on the 2014-2015 OER Work Group.

We have targeted three theories for implementation for the IC 2015-2016 Work Plan:

1. Define--We would like to create useful and meaningful definition(s) of open pedagogy for our consortium.

2. Data--We will create methods of data collection as open pedagogy and the use of OER, we believe, contribute to student success.

3. Demonstrate--We will research community-based learning practices that our colleges can showcase/market the work of faculty and students.


Open Pedagogy connects to the Accessibility and Professional Development Work Groups. We will share methods of educating faculty and advocating for open pedagogy. For example, we could:


We will work with IR to formulate a research plan on how to connect the use of OER to student retention and success initiatives like ATD or the Completion Agenda. For example, we could: 


We can connect to the Professional Development Group to explore ways we can give faculty examples on how to showcase their work with students. For example: 

Support Requested from the IC:

Summer eLC Meeting Minutes 8.11.15 

OPEN Spring 2016 Final Meeting and Report for 2015-2016

 In Attendance (4/22/2016):

Zach Wellhouse, Claver Hategekimana, Ekaterina Stoops, Sukirti Ranade, James Umphres, Tim Trussler, Vicki Sievert: Website Manager


3. Demonstrate--We will research community-based practices that our colleges can showcase/market the work of faculty and students.