2013-14 System Wide Learning Initiatives


Mickey Richardson

Lisa Chamberlin

Mark Carbon

Vicki Chew

Jackie Staley

Kathy Chatfield

Chair: Mickey Richardson

Communications:  Vicki Chew

Website: Lisa Chamberlin

Workgroup Report (8/18/14):

3. Share training activities and list Colleges’ training completers for the state-wide  systems.

4. Support for system-wide use of Quality Matters and Sloan-C licensed resources.

5. Create a "Best Practices in Online Facilitation" rubric to complement QM's design rubric .

Workgroup Report (1/24/14):

3. Share training activities and list Colleges’ training completers for the state-wide  systems.

4. Support for system-wide use of Quality Matters and Sloan-C licensed resources.

5. Create a "Best Practices in Online Facilitation" rubric to complement QM's design rubric and fill the gap between instruction and design.

Workgroup Report (Oct 2013):

1)We recommend NOT defining tools within the scope of eLearning, as these tools support all learning.

2) We recommend that a "best practices in facilitation" guide/rubric  (like QM is a design rubric) be created to provide a standard of facilitation expected across the state.

QM sets a clear standard for design of quality courses.  The gap exists in setting a clear standard of facilitation.  A facilitation rubric provides individuals and institutions with the ability to design training of their own or directly apply the rubric to their own teaching.

This recommendation aligns with IC Council's workplan  Goal 3, Objective 3.2 "Support and improve high quality eLearning for students including online, hybrid, and enhanced courses that improves teaching and learning".

3) Continue with current statewide initiatives including: LMS, Lecture capture, desktop conferencing, and other learning support tools.