LMS - Canvas Transition Work Group

Our Work Group "documentation" (a shared Google doc)


Members for 2012-2013

JJ, Pierce CCD, Military Program

Steve, Peninsula CC

Sara, South Seattle CC

Mickey, Seattle Central CC

Cynthia, Clark CC

Tina, Edmonds CC

Mark, WAOL

Please review our fall 2012 report to the Instruction Commission, which incorporates feedback from the Instruction Commission, and revise your goals/strategies/outcomes to incorporate those listed.

Outcomes by Winter Meeting (Jan. 28-29)

- defined process for sharing professional development/training (using eLearning.wa blog?)

- defined location for sharing migration strategies and experiences (using shared resources section of elc google sites?)

- support and facilitate Monday morning LMS meetings hosted by Jackie & Mark - (share the link and schedule with T&L and IC?)