2016-2017 Professional Development

IC Outcomes:

3.2 Support & improve quality eLearning for students, including online, hybrid and enhanced

courses, that improves teaching & learning.

3.2a Increase use & effectiveness of OER and instructional technology tools.

3.2b Examine disaggregated data with regard to use & success in eLearning.

3.2c Assure accessibility of eLearning and other online resources.

Notes from May 12, 2017 eLC meeting:

The Washington Annual Canvas Conference (WACC) supported the IC Outcomes by providing professional development to faculty across the state on how to improve quality eLearning for students, including online, hybrid and enhanced courses. There were sessions on OER and instructional technology tools.

Overall Conference Evaluation Results

WACC Conference in numbers: 

247 registered attendees (we had roughly 270 in attendance including volunteers and some who snuck in without registering) 

47 Sessions

41 colleges and businesses represented by attendees

6 session tracks (Canvas tips, OER, Accessibility, Outcomes, Student Services, Multimedia)

4 Two hour workshops

Feb. 10, 2017 notes from our meeting

October 28th, 2016

The Washington Annual Canvas conference will meet outcome 3.2 by providing sessions for faculty and staff that will provide ways to improve the quality of their online, hybrid and enhanced courses.

The Prof Dev and OER groups have combined forces to meet 3.2a by providing OER sessions at WACC in 2017.

Our Notes from the Meeting

Highlights from the meeting today. 

1. We now have a massive "To Do" list

2. Emphasis on OER, Accessibility, and outcomes for our session tracks

3. four two-hour sessions that focus on OER, Accessibility, Outcomes, and improving your online course through coding.

August 9th, 2016

Our two goals: 

1 and 2. WACC-planning and implementation

3. Lunch and Learns at eLC meetings (let us know your thoughts here)

Intrepid Members: 

Sarah Griffith-Lower Columbia-Chair

Tina Torres-Edmonds

Dawn Hawley-Bellingham Technical

Vicki Chew-Lake Washington Technical

Jerry Troupe-Olympic

Cindy Overton-Clover Park Technical

Jackie Staley-Yakima Valley

JJ Johnson-Pierce

Ann Garnsey-Shoreline

Sara Newman-South Seattle

Tim Trussler-Bates

Action Items: 

Ann-Create survey about lunch and learn to gauge interest. DONE

Sarah-Politely ask Chris if we can use TCC for WACC again, pretty please? Verify dates that work

Tina-Get survey results from last WACC

Vicki-Review Prof Dev calendar

Dawn-Doodle poll to schedule online meeting next week

Nitty gritty notes from the meeting