Membership Fees

eLC Fees

The eLearning Council, like most Washington State Board of Community & Technical College councils, has a membership fee. The purpose of this fee is to help establish voting membership so that each college only has one vote, and to support the operations of the council. Funds are used to help pay for professional development opportunities for council members, food at meetings, and other resources such as technology tools to support our daily operations. The eLC works to maintain a minimal fee that doesn't deter colleges from becoming members while supporting a sustainable funding model.

How to Make a Payment

Please follow these steps to pay your college's membership fee:

Update Your College's Membership Information

Please review and, if needed, update your college's member information using the current membership list

As part of your update, you should check the following for currency and change as needed:

The ELC annual fee is $400 per voting member for all colleges again in 2024-25

Create an Invoice Voucher

ELC Membership Fee Invoice Voucher

Pay By Card

Normally, the easiest way to pay is to pay by Visa or Mastercard using Olympic College’s ELC Online Pay Portal. You will need to complete the following fields:

After completing these fields, click “Submit Registration”.

Pay By Check

To pay by check, please submit payment to:

Olympic College
Cashier's Office
1600 Chester Avenue
Bremerton, WA 98337

Google Spreadsheet