Accessibility Work Group



Maximize awareness of and promoting the consistent implementation of accessibility requirements among all 34 community and technical colleges


Notes from 11.14.12 Webconf

Not on IC Work Plan

One issue is visibility of the issue

What about the following tasks:

TIMELINE: Fall 2012 (@ elc mtg) – October – December

Data Collection

TIMELINE: early Sept – early Oct

Recommendations to SBCTC

TIMELINE: Winter 13 eLC Meeting (Jan) – draft 2 weeks to review, revise for Jan meeting.

Other things:

High level goal alignment with IC Goals

Extend timeline for survey – send to DSS folks manually if we still don't get responses

(send to the DSS people when we find the list and copy elc member)

Please review our fall 2012 report to the Instruction Commission, which incorporates feedback from the Instruction Commission, and revise your goals/strategies/outcomes to incorporate those listed.