Accessibility Workgroup


We will be using our Canvas Classroom for resources, planning and communicating.

To self-enroll, Click on our AccessAbility Canvas Classroom

2014-15 Goals

2014-15 Expected Outcomes to IC by June 2015 and Results To Date

Updated Goals for Accessibility Workgroup:



         1.1    Increase participation and success of underrepresented populations in workforce and transfer pathways.

·         2.1   Increase student access and success.

·         3.1   Support and improve high quality eLearning for students including online, hybrid, and enhanced courses that improves teaching and learning.

·         3.2a. Provide professional development opportunities for faculty to increase use and effectiveness of Open Education Resources and instructional learning technology tools.

Suggestions needed from the ELC group:




Expected Outcomes to IC by June 2014 and Results To Date

F'13 ELC WorkGroup Meeting Notes

Shifting the focus to how to reach a larger audience:

"the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. "


Kelley, Brandy, Alissa, Kathy, Mark J, Carrie, Susan, Mark A, Kathleen Chambers

Goals and Timeline:

Group goals: find solutions

Goals for faculty: education, training and awareness.

Continue to develop “Accessibility Resources” page on eLearning Council site: :  Ongoing (June 30, 214) 

Conduct professional development sessions for eLC and faculty (QM Standard 8, UDL):  Beginning list of who by October 2013 meeting Planning for winter meeting at SBCTC. 

Alissa will create a Canvas site for the group to collaborate and post resources.

"Book club" reading Making Online Teaching Accessible by Norman Coombs.

Focus on UDL...reaches everyone.

Get captioning options into RFP -- INTO LECTURE CAPTURE RFP SO...ASAP!!!!!

Identify contacts with DSS and what’s being used/and or needed (data compilation). -- WINTER 2014 MEETING

First draft completed 10/24/13

Promote the idea that accessibility should be standard practice for all students, not the exception and promotes student success -- ONGOING

QM component (to be discussed further)

W'14 WorkGroup Update

We ordered our "book club" books and will start reading as a group:

Making Online Teaching Accessible by Norman Coombs

We created a work space in Canvas to share resources. Kathleen created a home page and has started adding resources.

We've named our group:  AccessAbility

We added the QM Standard 8 Accessibility workshop to the list of paid SBCTC QM training.

W'14 ELC WorkGroup Meeting Notes

in Attendance:

Carrie, Mark J., Kelley, Brandy, Alissa, Cindy, Jerry (Olympic), Kathleen, Ekaterina, Susan

Discuss comments left for us on work plan:


11:52 AM Jul 8, 2013

Is it too far-reaching to add an Expected Outcome saying we'll try to craft a framework for a captioning work-flow system using Colleges 'office occupations and/or transcription programs', then promote its adoption?

Marc Lentini

4:01 PM Jul 9, 2013

I think we need to do more than raise awareness. Maybe something like:

1. Ed's outcome about captioning

2. Partner with DSS offices on campuses to ensure accessible elearning tools are used.

3. Create common training for faculty about developing accessible courses.

Of course, getting enough ELCs to pitch in and make it happen...

Connie Broughton

2:28 PM Jul 11, 2013

There was discussion at the Student Services Commission about creating a system wide task force on this. I don't know what happened, but I did let SBCTC staff know that ELC is already on the job. :) ELC will certainly be asked to participate in the task force if it goes forward

JJ Johnson

10:03 AM Jul 15, 2013

A huge challenge for accessibility is having resources (fiscal as well as competent workforce). We do need to move forward with it - before one of the SBCTC (or the entire system) is sued for non-compliance.

We can look for a work-flow process without knowing the tools

what should be captioned & archived...what's the priority...institutional policy moment, high enrollment classes, state technical standards...task force...this work is for the task force, wait for task force mission statement etc don't want to do double workDo we want to develop a shared state training like CNVS, share out, develop with group?

Should/could UDL training be included in faculty pd days?

Promote QM standard 8 course

How to convert media rich classrooms

Kathleen @ shoreline is working w/ a DSS student & screen reader testing in a courses that is difficult to screen read, 

Will develop training from it and share out

We need action and capitol

Develop tips and best practices

Will there be a state level statement: move to reduce vulnerability

Train DSS staff in Canvas

Idea:  Invite all DSS staff statewide to take the CNVS course so they know what it is

Task force is only making recommendations

Get state level funding for captioning

There's more to accessibility than captioning

Susan will post the compilation document

Kelly and/or Kathy Bright will contact Terrell or another speaker for spring ELC meeting

Need an ELC liaison to DSS group

Make accessibility a cultural norm

Need a formal mechanism to feed information back to campus

Mark J. confirmed captioning work flow went into the RFP

Students aren't self-reporting their needs or don't know how to get registered

Need to investigate UDL

UDL isn't just for online

Make AccessAbillity a cultural norm

Do we want to do pd for our group first or plan our speaker as open, shared training?

Get a DSS student or student panel to do a demo for us

To-do before Spring Mtg.

Finish reading selected book by spring meeting, Kathleen created a discussion for us, contribute as needed

Contact a guest speaker for spring ELC (Kelley and Kathy)

Ask Jerry for time and get a speaker added to spring ELC agenda (Alissa)

Upload compilation document to ELC and Work Group site (Brandy & Susan)

Everyone should review task force notes

Sp'14 ELC WorkGroup Meeting Notes

does anyone have the notes for this meeting?

Su'14 ELC WorkGroup Meeting Notes

In attendance:  Cindy Overton, Brandy Long, Alissa Sells, Kathleen Chambers, Mark Jenkins, Ann Garnsey-Harter, Amy Rovner, Carrie Powell, Jerry (from Olympic), Jerry Lewis, Mia Bolster, Mark Lentini, Ekaterina Stoops, Sukurti Ranade, 

ELC charged group to continue discussion re: captioning

where are we at on scheduling a guest speaker?

has not been scheduled to date and is being put on the back-burner for now

possible PD replacement for fall meeting:  panel discussion on captioning for fall meeting showcasing what some colleges are doing

group leadership discussion...who will lead for 2014-2015:  Kathleen Chambers volunteered

what tools are being used:  Camtasia, YouTube, anyone using Panopto?

Kathleen Chambers @ North is planning to train faculty to do their own captioning

Panopto captioning tools seem stronger than other programs

how to fund captioning college-wide...system-wide???

Mark Lenitini @ Highline is considering a pilot for captioning with tiered pricing, currently tracking minutes of captioning used by video production group this year, might contract for that amount plus a little bit more

what about DSS resources ($) for students with accommodations

need to gather some collective wisdom from the system...what are the basic financial parameters?

how are people solving this problem

are there already best practices in place

Panopto's pricing is lower compared to many other companies

do we have a total on all the hours of lecture capture used...does Mark Carbon have the info?

need to discuss prioritization of what gets captioned

captioning is useful for everyone...more universal

do a survey of practices and costs around the system, cost per FTE by campus

captioning as an instructional design issue...plain text vs. rich text to not become obsolete in a few years

compile data and come up a recommendation (policy maker, budgeting decision maker & eLearning)

information should eventually go to instruction commission

are there hidden costs...what are they?

who does what?

RFI or RFP for captioning services...Mark Jenkins

workteam to write survey...Marc Lentini, Carrie Powell, & ???