Online Student Success Group Updates

August 18th, 2014

This last year we worked on a document which is intended to provide a list of recommendations to improve student success, from classroom practice, to best practices.

For this next year, we will focus on the use of Analytics in increasing student success. Specifically, tools at our disposal, how to interpret data and other topics.

IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN THIS TOPIC, please contact stoo!

April 16th, 2014 meeting at 1pm - HERE'S THE LINK

We should have filled in our portion of the interventions and sources of data, now it's time to prioritize them and limit the amount of recommendations to fill in our final report by June.

March 19th, 2014: HOME Stretch. Check out the Google do below for the meeting link and final steps.

Jan 12th, 2014: Hey Everyone - We've done a good job of identifying sources of data to help us in this endeavor. As this is all about what we can recommend as far as active interventions, I thought I'd reorganize the doc based on that.  What we did at our last in-person meeting is identify areas where we can intervene, so I've reorganized our identified sources of data based on that.  Please take a look at the google doc and add anything you feel is missing. 

What we need to do next is separate and prioritize these areas as far as when we can intervene. For example, I personally think that grades don't tell us much as far as how we can intervene, but other sources of data do. Looking at areas of pre, during and post-enrollment phases. For example, Billy get's a D, but WHY did he get a D? What do we know about the course he took that could have contributed?

Nov. 4th, 2013: Met Online on Halowe'en. Ooooooooh! We discussed the idea of common definitions for students success and completion. What we decided was that it was more important to establish a benchmark and focus on improvement, instead of saying X or Y is the exact measure of how students are doing in an online course. We agreed that we should let each College actively establish their own benchmarks for both student success and course quality before intervening to work towards improvement in these areas.

Oct 31, 2013: Information from the SBCTC to define student success and completion - see document below - is quite vague and doesn't speak to numbers. After chatting at the eLC, we agreed that we can  collect data with regards to student completion and success, but the charge of this group should be to provide recommendations on how to improve these metrics, regardless of their current benchmarks.

Sept 24th, 2013: Contacted Tina Bloomer at SBCTC to ask for current definitions of student success and student completion for onlines and hybrids. Awaiting Response. - stoo