Stage 3 - McDonald's

[Mr. McDonald delivers this puzzle on a piece of paper]

The Great Pyramid of Giza has proportions indicating one of the first examples of π being used in the real world. What happens if we put two of them together?

Chris starts thinking about what happens. In his next class, Geometry, Chris plays with the idea and starts writing numbers on the octahedron net below. What is the last number that he writes? Once you figure it out, go to for the next stage.

octahedron net with numbers 63020, 123152, 5564, 6368, X, 5020, 122368, and 6232 on different faces.

[Solution: When the octahedron net is folded, numbers of opposite faces form pairs. The pairs of numbers are called amicable pairs, and the sum of the factors of one of the numbers is the other number. The amicable pair (63020, 76084) leads to]

Dating tip #1 -- Opposites attract.

Dating tip #2 -- Look for an amicable partner.