Puzzle 6 -- Chinese Restaurant


Teams open locker 1248 to find a bowl of fortune cookies and the menu for a Chinese restaurant, the Lucky Dragon.

[Solution: Teams realize that luck is hinted at with the name of the restaurant, lucky numbers, and Special of the Day, rabbit’s foot. Noticing the awkward pricing, teams use the prices by using the dollars as the word number and cents as the letter number in order to spell out “jugglingboardchase.” Upon going to Mr. Chase’s room, teams see the juggling leaderboard with 4 names.

They find that these names are all related to “The Hill,” and also realize that the juggling record board looks like a matrix. This leads them to use a hill cipher with the records as a key and the lucky numbers, which they have thus far not used, as the ciphertext. Applying the cipher leads to “MRSGOETZ,” and teams go to Mrs. Goetz for the next puzzle.]

  • Hint 1: My favorite thing about this restaurant is that their prices really correspond to their dishes. Though I am a picky eater, and only eat the dishes that have numbers that are lucky.

  • Hint 2: ...

  • Hint 3: Hmm… It seems as if the more words in the dish, the pricier it gets. And maybe the cent value is important too? How strange...

Available Star: The last lucky number is 15 but the menu continues. Looking at the extra dishes and applying the same method as the puzzle spells out “STARSS”