Puzzle 4 - Tuning In

Puzzle: Students call 301-337-7083 and listen to the recorded message. The message plays noisy music, indistinguishable words, and then the phrase "Jack Diamond pays! Your! Bills!"

[Solution: On the message there is a brief recording from 107.3 FM that doesn’t immediately give away the radio frequency. They will have to figure out what the station is. The clip mentions “Jack Diamond,” so they’ll have a way of googling the name and finding the station, if they didn’t know already. This will mean they go to Mr. Frezzo’s room, Room 107.]

Hint 1: Yeah, but who pays his bills?

Hint 2: The solution you seek may be closer than you think… you might need to leave a little room for error.

Hint 3: Hopefully the floor still functions by the time everyone finishes this puzzle.