Puzzle 41 - Carpet Diem


[Solution: Puzzlers realize that the numbers in boxes are alt keys (specifically lines like alt 193 is ┴, alt 192 is └, etc.) and translate each number into the corresponding symbol. Then, look at the compass at the bottom, and shift the symbols in their boxes based on the box color, which forms lines within each "carpet." Alt numbers at the top clue what order they go in—alt 52 is 4, alt 0178 is ², alt 250 is · (clues 1), and alt 240 is ≡ (clues 3). Reorganize the carpets based on those numbers (1, 2, 3, 4), and it forms a maze, pictured below. Solving the maze, the flavortext tells the puzzler to focus only on the horizontal lines, and clues morse code—reading the short lines as dots and long lines as dashes, each row produces a letter, spelling the answer, ASCOT.

Note: in creating this puzzle, we accidentally oriented the whole thing backwards. When you reach the morse code step, read right to left to get the answer.]