Puzzle 6 -- Focus (or two)

Puzzle: Teams receive the following flyer, as well as a pair of thumbtacks tied together with a string.

[Solution: “Focus” and the tacks clues into drawing ellipses by “poking into things” as advertised. Using the two shirt buttons, badges, and computer dots as pairs of foci, the ellipses intersect the words “google classroom code.” Next, teams figure out they need to use Braille and turn the strings of numbers on the computer screen into braille using the braille grid, obtaining the code of "iacyxg."]

  • Hint 1: After focusing, I’ve drawn the a conclusion...

  • Hint 2: Hey, that's ironic- how can you read what's on the screen when you can't see?

  • Hint 3: Lauren decided to reformat her computer screen. The “100000”, formerly cut off, now is the 2nd number and the rest are the same. What’s up with these groups of 6 numbers?

Available Stars:

  1. In the jumble of letters, there's a diagonal that spells out "STAR."

  2. On the keyboard, the letters S, T, A, R are shaded in.