Puzzle 24 - Astronomical Conundrum


[Solution: After realizing that the 8 circles at the top of the instructions sheet represent planets, teams solve the conundrum by starting with the 8 planets and changing one or more at a time, following the clues. (Here is a solution sheet showing the transformations.) They end up with the following words/phrases: sportswear, CT, Franklin, Green, Ithaca, Bezos, Missing Link, and Bear. Realizing that all of these words are in some way tied together, teams figure out they need the “Missing Link.” The number of changes the name of each planet goes through represents the length of the thing being clued: for example, Mercury goes to sportswear with 8 changes, so the thing clued by "sportswear" should be 8 letters long. Teams realize the clues all clue ivy league universities (i.e. sportswear → COLUMBIA). The missing university has 7 changes, and the university which lacks a reference is the answer: HARVARD.]