Puzzle 8 - End of a Chapter

Puzzle: Students visit the media center and receive a piece of paper with the words:

It looks like your friend, Leonardo di Pisa, has sent you a message!

Your journey may have been a long one, but it should not be one you forget. Reflect upon yourself, and this will show you what you need to look for.

0 + C - E + (B - 4)(A - D + 1)(A + F - 4) / 23

[Solution: Heeding the advice to reflect upon oneself, teams realize they must substitute the numerical solutions to the previous Puzzles 1-6 for the variables A-F.

If A=357, B=3990, C=3013377083, D=107, E=2147483647, and F=314, then the above expression evaluates to 894907530. Adding the digit 0 to the front of the number gives the ISBN 0-89490-753-0. A web search reveals the book to be United States v. Nixon: Watergate and the President by D.J. Herda, which can be found in the media center. Hidden at the end of Chapter 8 is the finish line.]

Hint 1: ...

Hint 2: ...

Hint 3: ...