Puzzle 2 - Pen Pals

Puzzle: Mr. Willard verifies that students really did solve the previous puzzle correctly and then hands them a pen. On the outside of the pen is a note congratulating the teams on finishing Puzzle 1.

[Solution: Contestants realize they need to open the pen to obtain a piece of paper. On the piece of paper is printed:


Go to jchase.com/X

Contestants go to the web address to find the next puzzle. Each number is the least common multiple of the indices of each letter in the name (a=1, b=2, etc.). X=3990]

Hint 1: They say that writing can open up your mind.

Hint 2: Can I buy a vowel? And maybe a consonant too?

Hint 3: Despite everything that may divide us, human beings have a penchant for looking at what we have in common.