Puzzle 5 -- A Prime Example


Teams get a sheet of paper with a crossword like grid, 4 clues, and a table of numbers.

[Solution: 4 different mathematicians are described (each one relates to prime numbers in some way). The four are: Euclid, Goldbach, Fermat and Mersenne. Putting these in the crossword, and taking the bolded squares yields “Ulam.” The flavor text hints at some type of spinning - a spiral. Taking the bottom numbers like a Ulam spiral yields 12482838240000. Noting the use of the word unlocking to hint at locker, teams go to locker 1248 with the combo 28-38-24. ]

  • Hint 1: These 4 people seem to relate to the grid somehow...

  • Hint 2: I've got all these numbers from the spiral, but how do I unlock the next puzzle?

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