Puzzle 5 -- When in Rome...


The following is a message translated from one of our international offices:


We’ve received reports of some rogue agents disguised and on the loose in Rome. Your mission is to track them down and find out their secret identities. These agents were rumored to be taking classes on history in order to prepare for their missions in Italy, but they never stepped foot into their classrooms once. After you’ve found them, use the table provided to us by our Italian office to finish the job. Remember, when in Rome…

[Solution: Teams find the “agents” hidden on the back of the Pi Day flyers on the doors of the history hallway, which are Melissa McCarthy, Matt Damon, Mariah Carey, David Letterman, and Daniel Craig. Converting each of their initials as Roman numerals into numbers (i.e. Melissa McCarthy → MMC → 2100), they find the numbers 2100, 1500, 1100, 550, and 600. Each of these numbers match up with one of the numbers in Italian, and indexing according to the Roman numeral of the suspect number to the celebrity name, teams find the answer is DAVIS.]

  • Hint 1: The suspects didn’t ever enter the classrooms, but they must’ve been around them, right?

  • Hint 2: How would the Romans approach doing math?

  • Hint 3: You know what else the Ancient Romans loved? Indexing.

Available Star: Behind one of the Pi Day flyers is a picture of a star.