Puzzle 13 - An Oddly Even Game


[Solution: Teams first realize that this is a tournament of the popular game Odds & Evens, clued by the “Oddly Even” in the title and “handy game” in the flavor text, with the assistance of some Googling. To figure out the number each of the words have, figure out the value of their contained Roman numerals in the order they appear. For example, the only Roman numeral in “Series” is I, giving Series a value of 1 throughout the game. “Edition” contains the Roman numerals DII, giving it a value of 502 throughout the game. This is clued by the round numbers being in Roman numeral form at the bottom. Equipped with all this information, the teams play out the tournament. Using the flavor text describing how words get “stuck on their losses,” teams index each word by the round they lost in. Reading the indexed letters from left to right yields the answer SEEDED.]