2016 Hunt


Thursday, March 10 - Thursday, March 17

Celebrate 3.14.16!

These rules, competition information, and publicly-posted team standings will be available at sites.google.com/site/rmhspihunt.


    1. Teams. Students will compete in teams of up to four. Sign up here: http://goo.gl/forms/A7D7mv3QTc

    2. Puzzles. There are seven total puzzles. Puzzles will be difficult and creative, requiring teamwork, creativity, and persistence. The answer to a puzzle will serve as the clue you will use to find the next puzzle. Puzzles will often lead to locations throughout school, nearby the school, on the internet, or wherever else. When you finish a stage/puzzle, immediately email rmhs.piday@gmail.com with your solution to the previous stage.

    3. Hints. Hints to puzzles will be released at 8:00 each evening by email.

    4. Resources. You are allowed to use any resource available to you (including calculators, textbooks, computer programs, and the internet).

    5. Prizes. A grand prize ($80 in Chipotle Gift Cards) will be awarded to the first team to finish. Second and third place teams will receive prizes as well.

    6. Stars. There will also be a prize for the team that collects the most “stars” along the way. Stars are an extra “side game” that will occur during the hunt, resulting in bonuses for teams that are interested in capturing them. Stars will be discovered along the way as “Easter Eggs,” bonus puzzles, and also for correctly predicting the outcome of the 2016 Teacher Pi Eating Contest.

Tips from your Puzzle Hunt organizers:

    • Pay special attention to the wording of each puzzle. Specific words and phrases are meant to lead you in the correct direction.

    • Many puzzles require thinking outside of the box—have your team brainstorm ideas, and test each one accordingly.

    • Work quietly and secretively! Remember: there is only one grand prize.

    • Most importantly, don’t give up! The puzzles are tricky, but we believe in you.

Good luck, and happy hunting!