Puzzle 22 - Bugged Out


While investigating our gaming system for signs of wear last night, we discovered that bugs seem to have eaten everything inside hollow. You’re the boss so you better identify what’s infesting our system. Then catalog them into our compendium shown below.

2 (fk).mp3
3 (r).mp3
4 (ml).mp3
5 (hk).mp3
6 (h).mp3

[Solution: Puzzlers start by realizing the songs are all boss tracks from the video game Hollow Knight from the flavor text and a bit of googling, or other online resources like Shazam. Clued by the note to add the bugs into the compendium, puzzlers identify the actual bug types of each boss. (Hive Knight → Bee, etc.) The next step is to identify the categories of the Venn diagram. This requires research and logic, but they are: bugs that have stingers, bugs that fly, and bugs that are predators. Puzzlers match the boss insect to the location in the Venn diagram and take the index of the boss using the number inside. Finally, ordering those letters by the audio track order yields the answer: DAMPER.]