Meta Puzzle 2 - Find Boggling


To fix the security breach, you need to enter the pin into the keypad below. Unfortunately, the keypad seems to have broken. How did the keypad break?

[Solution: The title immediately should jump out as being slightly weird. Typically the idiom is Mind Boggling, which hints at one letter changes. Also hinted by the title is the game boggle, a word game played on a 4x4 grid as is present here. Using this idea puzzlers realize puzzle solutions are one letter off from the emojis in the grid (i.e. LEMONS → DEMONS). Puzzlers replace the emoji with the unique/changed letter in the emoji (D for the demons emoji, for example). Finally, puzzlers play boggle in the final grid (shown below) and the longest word/phrase that can be formed uses all 16 letters: ITSHORTCIRCUITED.]