Stage 1 - The Digits of Pi

Puzzle: Being the studious mathematician that she is, Helen is observing the digits of Pi painted in the math hall when she notices something interesting.

[Solution: There are ten extra digits that shouldn’t be there. They are a phone number, 301-337-7083, which, when you call it, gives the next puzzle]

Hint 1: There’s something up there that isn’t quite right…

Hint 2: Don’t focus on shapes or sizes, it’s something else that’s the answer. It’ll take an extra-ordinary eye to figure out what it is, though.

Hint 3: Hello mathematicians. Look up some pi. Now back to the hall. Now back to the pi. Now back to the hall. Sadly, the hall isn’t pi. But if the hall stopped using lady scented body wash and switched to… wait, what were we saying again?