Puzzle 9 -- Meta Puzzle


[From a phone transcript] "Rejoice, look up, for, to quote Napier, this task is 'more of a lark than a labor.' Everything, the answers you’ve gotten, it all begins to add up doesn’t it? Give me another call when you understand the meaning of my words. Of course, I might have changed numbers by then… Also, go to bit.ly/[this phone number] for some important info."

[Solution: In the bitly link, they see the names of all the puzzles with a number. Realizing that the number refers to the length of the answer, teams then convert all the letter answers to numbers using location arithmetic, clued in by the call. Adding everything up and applying the transformations given on the bitly, teams call (305) 741-0379. They hear that they must meet a person at his office. Who? Joe Jelen. At Mr. Jelen’s office, they find the box, marking the finish line of the hunt.]

  • Hint 1: The man we’re quoting must be famous… what’s he famous for, anyways?

  • Hint 2: Location, location, location (arithmetic). Anyways, it’s like the call says- add everything up!

Available Star: Going to bit.ly/thisphonenumber literally, instead of the actual number, links to an image of a star.