Meta Puzzle 3 - Help EXpel Code


The navigation system seems to be acting weirdly. Why?

[Solution: The title should immediately hint at using HEX color codes given the capitalization and the weird wording. Identifying the colors of each of the stars yields the colors: CRIMSON, AZURE, PEAR, YELLOW, and VIOLET. Realizing that certain solutions in the hunt can be paired with the colors to make the answers (HARVARD CRIMSON, MICROSOFT AZURE, BARTLETT PEAR, YELLOW FEVER, METHYL VIOLET) and that the letters in the star match up with the letters in the answer, puzzlers find the index in which the letters match. (For instance, the Y for METHYL gives the number 5. R1 for HARVARD gives the number 3.) Indexing back into the HEX codes and ordering by rainbow order and increasing number of star points yields the line: D10DE0FF or in plain text: DIODEOFF.]