2019 Pi Day Puzzle Hunt


Monday, March 11 - Friday, March 15

Celebrate 3.14.19!

For the opening ceremony slides, click here.


  1. Sign Up. Teams can sign up until the end of the hunt at bit.ly/pisignup19

  2. Teams. Students will compete in teams of up to four and will not communicate.

  3. Answers. The answer to a puzzle will serve as the clue you will use to find the next puzzle. Puzzles will often lead to locations throughout school (including but not limited to lockers, room numbers, or teachers), nearby the school, on the internet, or wherever else. When you think you’ve solved a puzzle, fill in the submission form at bit.ly/pi19answer. The Pi Day team will respond to you via the email you answer with in the form. We will NOT respond to puzzle answers emailed directly to the pi day email (rmhs.pi.day@gmail.com ), but will answer to any concerns or issues with the hunt.

  4. Resources. You are allowed to use any resource available to you (including calculators, textbooks, computer programs, and the Internet). We list a few puzzle hunt tips on our opening slides.

  5. Puzzles. There are eight total puzzles + a meta puzzle, which involves the other puzzles in some way. Puzzles will be difficult and creative, requiring teamwork, creativity, and persistence.

  6. Hints. Hints to puzzles will be released at 11:15 AM and 6:00 PM each day.

  7. Stars. The stars are a side quest hidden in the puzzles or other Pi Day resources and will often be in the form of the word “STAR,” reference the word star, or in a picture of a star in some form. Have fun finding them, but know that some stars can be tricky to find and won’t help you with the puzzle hunt itself. To submit stars, fill out the form here: bit.ly/pi19submitstar.

  8. Prizes. A grand prize, $100 in Amazon Gift Cards, will be awarded to the first team to finish, Second will receive $60, and third will receive $40. The team with the most stars will receive a pie and distinction of “Star puzzlers.” (top 3 also eligible for star puzzlers).

Tips from your Puzzle Hunt organizers:

  • Pay special attention to the wording and details, especially italicized words or letters.

  • Many puzzles require thinking outside of the box—have your team brainstorm ideas, and test each one accordingly. Double check your work! Careless errors lead to being frustrated and stuck.

  • Use the internet! Looking at past puzzle hunts or puzzle hunting tips in general can often be useful.

  • Work quietly and secretly! Remember: there is only one grand prize.

  • Most importantly, don’t give up! The puzzles are tricky, but we believe in you!

Good luck, and happy hunting!