Puzzle 1 - Flower Power

Puzzle: Spring is coming and a flower is blooming, even inside the halls of RM.

[Solution: Contestants realize that this clue points them to the binary tree mural at the end of the math hall (distractor--polar flowers by Mr. Chase’s room). A flower appears at the very tip of one of the branches. Tracing the path through the tree branches, starting at the trunk, and recording left/right movements with 0/1 contestants form the binary number 101100101. In decimal, this is 357, Mr. Willard’s room. They visit 357 for the next clue.]

Hint 1: Your destination and the fruit of success will be reached through a long path of effort.

Hint 2: Sassafras, Redbud, Dogwood, Crape Myrtle, Cherry.

Hint 3: Flip a switch one way, it’s off. Flip a switch the other way, it’s on.

the first puzzle in the 2016 Pi Day Puzzle Hunt