Puzzle 1 -- School Dreams

Puzzle: “You hear a ringing in your head and put your head down to nap. Before you realize it though, you’ve gone from looking at your calculator in math class to hearing stories of valor and sacrifice in history. Jeez, what time is it?”

[Solution: The calculator in math class is an allusion to the calculator mural, and the stories of valor and sacrifice are an allusion to the Iwo Jima Mural in history. Evaluating the expression on the calculator gives 805664, and the year for the history mural is 1945. Combining the two gives the phone number 805-664-1945 ]

  • Hint 1: So I'm getting a strange sense of déjà vu. I know I've seen these when I was walking down the hall once...

  • Hint 2:

    • I'm trying to be calculating but all this stuff about history is driving me up the wall. Or on the wall...

Available Star:

The calculator uses entirely star numbers.